Wednesday, May 14, 2014

1 Month Old

That is right I said it. Little miss Ryleigh is 1 Month old (yesterday) . How can that be?
I wanted to do weekly pictures so I did just that.
One Week Old Picture:
My first Easter was the same day I was a week old. We didn't get to meet the Easter Bunny this year because the store dropped the ball and no one wanted to get in the costume. But We were allowed to see a real bunny and duckies (I'll share her Easter pictures later)
 Two Week Old Picture:
Eating every 2.5-3 hours on demand. Loves bath time and will stay in the bath forever. Can roll her tongue which her daddy thought was pretty cool. Was also lifting her head up and holding it for minutes at a time. She was also growling in her sleep. How silly.
 Three Week Old Picture:
Loves tummy time and kinda scoots when my knees are under me, especially while on daddies chest.
 Four Week Old Picutre:
Really loves new people and wants to babble but just can't yet. Mom let daddy give me a bottle and I was a champ at it. Which made mommy happy.