Thursday, January 29, 2015

1st Project 365

In the past I've seen many do a project 365, and I've done many monthly photo challenges. I was determined this year to do my very first Project 365!
I was late and missed January 1st. But with my birthday on January 20th I figured that day was just as good of a day to start! So we have!
Here is my first week of Project 365:
January 20th:
Best birthday gift ever! Getting to spend it with this little blessing.

January 21st:
She is in her big girl pjs and sleeping in moms bed so peacefully.

January 22nd:
She looks so big in her crib. She is so long. :-(

January 23rd:
Ryleigh's second snow day. Unfortunately I had to work, but we got to sleep in because I didn't have to go in until 10am.

January 24th:
All the grandbabies in gramma's bed on Saturday morning.

January 25th:
Her size 2 chucks finally fit. And she looks like such a big girl. :-(

January 26th:
Sleepy baby snuggling her glow sea horse.
I know just about every single one of these were of my little girl. But I can't help it. I love taking pictures of her. ;-)

Thursday, January 15, 2015

9 Months Old

We just celebrated Baby's first Christmas!!!
35 Weeks
She is getting braver and braver. She is standing without holding on to anything for 5 seconds and longer. She got her first ear infection this week and I didn't like it.

36 Weeks
She is a great explorer and traveler. She is on her second cross country trip to Florida to meet grandma Jen and meet grandpa Fred. This is her new build a bear grandma Jen bought.

37 Weeks
I think it's safe to say she'll be walking very soon. She's also learned to start dancing when she hears music.

38 Weeks
She is fascinated with food. She also still loves to be swaddled when its bedtime. She also just celebrated her first Christmas and loves all the new toys she got.

39 Weeks
She has officially taken two steps. She knows the sign for Milk and will tell me when she wants milk. She is also learning to wave bye, though she gets too excited and waves her whole arm. She loves peek a boo and playing patty cake. She is one sassy little girl.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Coming back; Quick Update

Hey Y'all,

I stopped blogging because I felt like I never had anything interesting to blog about. My last post was in February of 2012, almost three years ago. I'll do a quick recap for y'all and I plan to start and catch up to life today, but not all in one post of course.

At that point in life I had stated a new job and my first job as a server. E had started and was 3 or 4 months into his Pre-deployment work ups. We were still trying to have a baby. Life was just life. My sister had her first baby boy Matthew in August and they got to visit a week before E left so E could meet him. BROKE MY HEART!!

E left for deployment in September 2012. I can still remember that night like it was yesterday. He got to travel the world while I stayed here and ran our house.

I was able to have a few fun trips. Those would have been fun to post about. In October my best friend and I traveled to Texas with my dogs for my other friends wedding that I was in. November my parents and sister came to California for Thanksgiving. The beginning of December I helped celebrate my best friends 23rd in Vegas, that was a fun trip. For Christmas I traveled home to Texas from California alone with my dogs. That was an adventure in its own. Spent a week in Alpine, then got to spend New Years with my best friend in Pittsburgh, PA. The second week of January I was able to travel to North Carolina to visit my Great Grandmother that I haven't seen since 2010!! That was a blessing in itself. For my 23rd birthday my best friend helped me celebrate in Monterey, California. We were able to head up to San Fran. and finally got to see Alcatraz, and went whale watching.

May 2013 finally came, 8 long months later, and I was able to welcome home E!! That was an amazing day!!

In June we were able to join our friends on a fun and exciting camping trip. I haven't been camping since I was in junior high, and E and I have never been camping together. We had a ton of fun and Allie (our big dog the great dane) loved the hiking, but hated the dirt haha. She is such a momma's girl. We think Lillie will do much better with the dirt so next time we plan to take her.

E and I had continued to try to have a baby. Of course in my mind I thought well 8 months of not trying I should be able to get pregnant right when he gets home. (In the Marine Corps lifestyle you hear of that happening all the time) When June came and then July came and I still wasn't pregnant I was totally bummed. E and I had decided to just stop and put it on hold for a year or two. He was getting out of the Marines at the end of the year and we decided we would get on our feet before.

I always hated when people would tell me "just stop trying and it will happen" or "the second that the time isn't ideal is when it will happen." But they were all right. In August, August 27th we found out we were finally expecting our first baby.

I'll stop this post here for now. I want to start and catch y'all up with the weekly updates of this pregnancy. Of course I'm obviously past halfway, but this is more for me and for the baby then for you guys so just bare with me as I catch us all up.

I'm Back!!