In January of 2007 (3 months after meeting, and after both of us ending it with the others) we were both invited to go sledding (it was a snow day) with a few of our mutual friends. Funny thing was that there was 6 of us on this adventure. My best friend Kari and her boyfriend Corey which is Misters best friend and our mutual friends Jade and Kenny (who were also in a relationship together) So Mister and I were the only ones not in a relationship and kinda just left standing there at one point when the others walked off to do "their own thing" lol. Mister and I were at the top of a hill. I grabbed his hand and said "lets go" and we ran down the hill and pretty much fell and rolled a few times. That was when I decided I really liked him. ;-)
It took about another month before we started talking. One of my best guy friends was in Misters athletic class and they lifted weights together. I asked my guy friend (and he was all up for it b/c he didn't like the previous relationship I was in) to talk to Mister and give him my number. Haha sooo cheesy I know. He did call one night and we hit it off after that. We made a few bets that year and one big one that pretty much was the start of it all was the superbowl that year. I don't remember who was playing but I lost and I had to make and take him lunch for a week. Haha. I remember telling him that I was once told "the way to a mans heart was through his stomach." Well I still believe that, because look I'm married to Mister haha.
Then Valentines Day came and he took me out to dinner and that was the night we officailly became a couple. So funny that 4 years later I can still remember all this.
As cheesy as it sounds I knew that I Mister was "the one" that year! After high school we continued to date. In October of 2008 Mister decided he was going to join the Marine Corps. At first I was totally all on board. I am the grand-daughter of a Gunny who was in the Corps, I am a Daughter to a Sgt. that was in the Corps, so why not be a wife in the Corps? Then after a few talks with my best friend (who might I add we no longer are friends because of this) I started to change my mind and Mister and I began to not get along and had plenty of fits and we pushed each other away. Little did I know that at Christmas he was planning on proposing. He didn't and when January of 2009 came we had totally drifted apart. He left for boot camp in February without saying bye. I was a total mess and work allowed for me to stay home for a week. I was very upset with myself. In March of 2009 I went to Dallas to visit some friends during Spring Break. While there my best friend Megan and I had plenty of talks about the Marine Corps (she is married to a Sgt in the Corps). Thanks to her I decided to write Mister a long long letter. I said in it that if he didn't love me then he shouldn't write me back. After sending it and waiting 3 weeks and not recieving anything I figured I'd lost "the one." A week letter I recieved 2 letters both explaining that the mail to the "boots" got lost (only to find out at graduation the DI kept the mail from the guys) and he also hoped it wasn't too late! I then bought my plane ticket to see and surprise him at boot camp graduation. He introduced me to his rack mate as his girlfriend and thats when I knew we were back to being US again.
He had 10 days of leave and we enjoyed those 10 days! On the last night, the night before I put him on a plane back to California he proposed and I said yes!
We planned on a long engagement, but as the months went on we decided to do it that year!

January 1, 2010 Was the day we said "I Do!" I had 3 weeks and 6 days to plan a wedding. We were planning on just going to the Justice of the Peace and "Just doing it" but my mother said she
wanted to see her first daughter get married in the church. I didn't argue because I too wanted God to be apart of our marriage!!
So 3 weeks and 6 days later I walked into the doors of Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church and I was speechless at how everything was sooooooo beautiful!!! If you have seen Titanic, at the very end of the movie when Rose is dreaming and she is walking back into Titanic there are all the people lined up against the stair case watching her walk in. As she continues walking in and walks up the stairs to meet Jack at the very top where the clock is...well Hot Dawg that is how I felt when I walked into those doors!!!
Our song was "I Just Call You Mine" by Martina McBride. A beautiful song and I think it totally fit our relationship being as Mister is in the Marine Corps and he deserves a standing ovation and some may call him amazing (as do I) but I also call him MINE!!!!
Now the father/daughter dance was a tough one. Daddy and I danced to "My Little Girl" by Tim McGraw! He almost cried as well as myself. But I think we both did well at holding in our tears. Daddy did smother me however and several times I had to say "Daddy, I can't breath."
All in all this night was by far the best night of my life!! I had an absolute blast! I danced the whole night (which says alot because I really don't like to dance because I don't have any rhythm). Mister wore his Dress Blues, and HOT DOG did he look soooooo Handsome!!!
I don't know about y'all, but we Banegas' sure did start our New Year with a BANG!!! ;-)
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