So on Wednesdays we usually have spaghetti, and I have called it Letty Spaghetti Wednesday. Before moving out here almost every week I was enjoying a fantastic spaghetti dinner at Letty's house with her and her family. Today...we had CHEESE PIZZA. I had an interview today with Macy's. It went really well and they said the will call on Friday. We will see how well it actually went. After the interview I made my way up to base to pick up Eric. He said "be here by five I should be finished then." Well no...he didn't get to the car until after SIX. He has had to pt this whole week. He said he has enjoyed it, but today he was tired. So instead of going to the commissary like planned to get meat for the spaghetti he wanted me to order PIZZA haha.
At the interview I met another wife. She is a Navy wife. But she was totally awesome and totally sweet. We exchanged phone numbers (I'm guessing she is like me and doesn't have many friends out here either haha) I'm always up for meeting new people. favorite flower is a WHITE CALLA LILLY. Well they grow out here in all my neighbors and all around the post houses like WEEEDDSSS. Except for my yard. I have been thinking about going to a vacant house and stealing a few from the yard and planting in mine haha. Or I might just call the front office and ask how I can get some. ;-) (I had these flowers at my wedding. Yes they were silk and fake, but still pretty and looked real.
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