Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 4: Favorite Book

 Well I feel like I may be repeating myself, but my Number one Favorite book is The Notebook. But I love love love Nicolas Sparks. He writes some of the most heartwarming books ever!!! I haven't read in a while, and I want to start soon again.

In fact I told Eric a few days ago that I wanted to go back to school soon. He asked me why and I told him I wanted to read and write again. He laughed and said "well honey you can do that on your own." (Mind you he is very supportive of me going back to school we were totally joking) I laughed and said "yes, but going to school will give me more Momentum to do the reading and writing." Hahaha Eric then laughs aloud and simply states, you mean Motivation. Haha yes...another great day in the Banegas House Hold. I'm a BIG blonde. Haha. There is never a dull moment in our life.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday is a FULL DAY....

I have alot to blog today. I have got some fun things to share for today....

* First of TOP TWO.
I caught this today over at Jennie's Blog.
Top Two Things You Want To Do Before You Die:
Well hum, my first one would be, to have a family. I've always wanted a HUGE family. I want to have lots and lots of babies (even if they are not of my own flesh and we adopt them) I want a HUGE family. Its like a must. I believe I was given life to be a MOTHER, and that is what I will be. ;-)
My second one would be to be the next MARTHA STEWART. I don't know why, but I want to be like her in so many ways (except the part of her life that she went to jail and the reason for why she went)
What are some of y'alls????

*Second: Its Day 3 of the 30 Day Meme and today's is favorite TV Show:

Well I must say that this one is hard also. Haha. I LOVE Monday nights B/C my ARMY WIVES are on. Every day at 1500 my GREYS ANATOMY is on and I alos LOVE LOVE LOVE GILMORE GIRLS. Army Wives are just very touching and kinda hit home on the soft spot. Greys Anatomy is just a mouth dropper, and Gilmore Girls are just cute and funny and warm.

Soo today was a good day I must say!! I was able to get out of work early again. ;-) I love it when I only have to work until 1030. So after I came home and got dressed up (yes I like to dress cute for my Tuesday Coffee with the girls) and headed over to Melissa's for our weekly get together Coffee. I love these girls and I'm so glad I have them in my life.
I found out some important news, so Eric will graduate from this school in December, and well my little brain was wrapping it around that after the Christmas Holidays we will be heading on to TEXAS for his 6 months of Intel school at Good fellow San Angelo and I would be back home in Alpine during that time. Well we far sure will be going to TEXAS for this school next year, but that class doesn't start until February and it all depends on if there is room. So we may be here until February (well for sure February) or months after. So I was a little discouraged, yet at the same time glad to know of when classes there actually start.

After coffee Christie and I went to our friend Ashlee's house. She just had a baby girl the Friday before Mother's Day. So its a baby baby. I got to hold the little girl and rock for about an hour. Awe I loved it. I love little babies. It was so fun.

After that we went on to Ross' and I found a CUTE ZEBRA PRINT RUG for my all. I'm obsessed with ZEBRA print. ;-)

All in all it was a GREAT DAY!! I hope all of you did too!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

2nd Day-30 Day Meme: Favorite Move

Sooo today is the second day of the 30 Day Meme. Well as far as Favorite Movie, hmm...this is a hard one. I love love love all love movies. My Ultimate favorite is "The Notebook" But that's a given. I also love "Friday Night Lights" and "Remember the Titans" I also love these sports movies. Gives me a rush.

This Monday was a busy Monday for this wifey. I worked until 1030 and then when I got off I went and was able to send off the money for the Truck. So that basically means it is pretty much ours!!! I'm STOKED!!

After I went to a movie with Alaena and her mother in law Debbie. We watched the new movie "Letters to Juliet" It was a really cute movie and I absolutely loved it. I will def. be buying this one too.

I'm already ready for some sleep time. I think tonight will be an early night off to bed haha. Everyone have a great week.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Another Post...Why yes please...

So I have always read this post, and I have started to read that post. Both always catch my eye. They were doing this 30 Day Meme that was reading and decided I wanted to join in. I will start day one today! But first here are all the topics:
Day 01 - your favorite song
Day 02 - your favorite movie
Day 03 - your favorite television program
Day 04 - your favorite book
Day 05 - your favorite quote
Day 06 - whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 - a photo that makes you happy
Day 08 - a photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 - a photo you took
Day 10 - a photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 - a photo of you taken recently
Day 12 - whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 - a fictional book
Day 14 - a non-fictional book
Day 15 - a fanfic
Day 16 - a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 - an art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 - whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 - a talent of yours
Day 20 - a hobby of yours
Day 21 - a recipe
Day 22 - a website
Day 23 - a YouTube video
Day 24 - whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 - your day, in great detail
Day 26 - your week, in great detail
Day 27 - this month, in great detail
Day 28 - this year, in great detail
Day 29 - hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 -- whatever tickles your fancy

So for Day 1, Your Favorite song:
Wow, this one is kinda hard. Only because I'm that girl that every song that comes on the radio..."OMG this is my favorite song" lol. so I guess I have to pick one...

I would say right now it is "Temporary Home" by Carrie Underwood. I love her and I think she is a very beautiful woman. I love all her songs but TODAY this is my favorite song.

Getting to Know you Sunday

I saw this on Jennie's blog from two weeks ago and I had to steal it. ;-) thank you again Jennie.

1. If you could star in any movie genre..what would it be..romance..horror..comedy..suspense or action?
I would much rather star in Romance. I'm just a big love sap. ;-)

2. Do you recycle? No, but we need to. We even have a bin out here for it.

3. Have you ever been to a strip club? Negative. I know for fact I never want to either. haha

4. Do you have a nickname? From the husband: Babe, from friends: Sam, Sammie, and so on...

5. What's a name you can't stand to be called? When we have just met Sam. You are not allowed to call me Sam unless you really know me.

6. What are your Summer staples? I love to wear my flip flops, Dresses, go to the beach, ride bikes, lay out in the sun, BBQ, fireworks, and so on you know the drill.

7. What was the last thing you bought for yourself? Mmm...last night we had a starbucks coffee. But that is a daily things.

8. Are you happy with your boob size? Haha...I am. they are perfect the way they are. ;-)

I hope you all have had a wonderful Sunday. I have a roast in the crockpot, bread in the maker, the house is clean I just have dishes and laundry to catch up on. ;-) I love Sundays!!

The life of a Military Wife.

We had a going away pot lock for Gina and her family last night.

Rukiya and her Husband Nick, Gina and her husband Ambrose, and Christie taking pictures of the boys.

Gina and Christie.

Melissa and Christie.

From left to right: Myself, Gina, and Rukiya.

I was very sad last night and today. I love Gina and her boys. They have been a total blast and I will miss them dearly. Sure they say its not goodbye, but its not the same with them here.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Favorite Books

Show Us Your Life with Kelly's Korner

Well here is another "show us your life" from Kelly's Blog. This week it is Favorite Books.

In high school I love loved to read. I had more reading time then I do now. (which is kinda funny since we don't have children you would think I had time to read) I'm a big Love story reader. My favorite Author is Nicolas Sparks. My ultimate favorite book is The Note Book. I have read all of his books except The Last Song. I have seen the movie and I cried of course so I can only imagine what the book is going to do to me. (If you haven't figured out yet, I'm a BIG cry BABY.)

In Junior High I loved to read the Nancy Drew books and I loved Goosebumps series. I don't know why, it was very scary reading and Goosebumps were more for boys (so I thought haha)

Now my reading is very little to non. I just recently bought a book on the military though. I don't READ it, but I STUDY it. haha I am learning the different service ranks and other important information.

My husbands friends are always surprised when I say "hey he is a Staff SGT, or hey she is a CPL. lol. I too am very proud of myself. Thanks to that book.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Again I'm stealing another idea from a fellow blogger. I love to read Miss Jennie's blog. I look forward to seeing her posts. And after every time I read a new one I tell my husband, "honey, Jennie is so beautiful." (We know Jennie from back home. She is my sister-in-laws best friend)

1. I'm THANKFUL for my part-time job. It brings in extra income and helps me keep busy.

2. I'm THANKFUL for my friends I have met here in Monterey. I love these girls and if it weren't for them I would be back home in Texas.

3. I'm THANKFUL for my Momma. If it wasn't for her and her wise words I would be lost in this world.

Tell me what you are THANKFUL for.

Thank God tomorrow is Friday. I don't know about y'all, but this has been a long week.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday another Day...

First off it most def. seems as though I now have a more regular schedule at Macy's. I work Monday-Friday from 0630 until about 1300. Its really great hours but I'm so tired all the time now.

Second, on Sunday the hubs and I were play fighting around all day. We were in our bedroom and I was folding laundry and he was getting his clothes ready for Monday. He asked me to grab him his green shirt from the drawer, I asked him to wait a sec so until I finished (I had 3 shorts left) He then starts love tapping me with his socks. So I start to love tap him back. We do that to each other a few times until he starts to hurt more. Then I get a hanger and tap him a little harder on the shoulder. Then he swung around and with his fist hit me in my ribs. It wasn't a hard hit at all, it just knocked the air out of me and scared me. LOL. I couldn't breath and so I started to cry haha. I mean I cried haha. He felt bad and you could really tell how bad he felt.

Third, it looks like my Lillie is still sick. :-( I really don't know what to do. I'm thinking we might need to take her back to Texas to my parents.

Fourth, today I went out and started to play with both my furdaughters and Eric. I was running with Allie and she ran the opposite way. She came at me and jumped up on me haha scared the living out of me haha.

Thats all I have...not much just some sillyness...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Silly Saturday

*If today was your last day where would you want to spend it, and who would you like to spend it with?

-I would like to be in WEST TEXAS with my family, my husband, and my best friends.

*If you could relive a day (keeping it the same without changing a day about it) what day would that be?

-I would like to relive many, but I would like to relive my wedding day/night. I had so much fun. I danced with all of my loved ones, Megan, Daddy, Eric, my grandfathers...everyone I love so dearly. It was a beautiful day and I love to watch the video tapes over and over again.

*What did you always want to be when you were growing up and do you still want to be that?

-Growing up I always wanted to be a teacher or a child care personnel. I still kind of want to do that, but lately I have talked about wanting to be a EMT and/or a Fire-woman. I don't know why. Silly right? Well I want to do that.

What a silly Saturday it has been. I worked this early morning and then hung out with Eric for a few hours before going to my girlfriends 3 sons birthday parties. I played a few of the games with the kids and I had fun. But reminded me again that we are not ready for children lol.

We played catch when I got home. I love playing catch with Eric. It is so much fun. For the rest of the evening we are gonna watch movies and hang out at home and enjoy ourselves.

Happy Mothers Day to all of you mothers!!! Y'all are totally awesome.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Show Us Your Life-Your Kid's (or future kid's) Names

I love to read others blogs. Their lives are just so much more interesting then mine (in my opinion of course)

This was on Kelly's " Show us your life-Your kid's (or future kid's) names and I thought it would be fun to share ours.

So I absolutely love the names Ryan, Howard, Glenn and John. For my future sons (b/c I hope to have a son or three lol.

I love Howard because that was my great-grandfathers name and if I win and I get to use it I will use it like this: Ryan Howard Banegas

My second son will be John Glenn Banegas.

Now yes I have been informed that both those names are famous people, but I don't really care haha. I just LOVE those names.

As for a daughter I have always always loved Jaklynn Nikole Banegas. Lynn is my middle name as is my aunts, and my God Sisters so I wanted to keep it going.

But Eric has informed me that he gets to pick out the little girls name and said he already has but will not share it with me until we are preggo and we are having a daughter (which will be a long time from now because we are totally not ready)

I totally want a big family. I want 3 sons and 1 daughter.

Now I'm totally sure these names will change when we start to have babies, but for now this is what I like. ;-)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thankful Thursday.

Wooo it has been a busy week. Ok ok well after yesterday its been busy. I finally got a call from Macys and was able to work. And I got more hours. I worked yesterday from 0630 until 1600. And I worked again today from 0630 til 1500. They were some long butt days. And I was on my feet all day and moving boxes and stuff too. I'm gonna build some muscle in my arms. FINALLY. Also I've already lost three pounds these to days. (Since I have moved here to California I've gained 10 so this was big.) I work again tomorrow my schedule says 0630-1030, but I will prolly be there til about 1500 again.

The past two nights I have finally started to get back in the swing of scrapbooking. YAY!!! I've started Eric's Marine Corp Scrapbook. And it is coming together nicely. I love it. I took a break today from it. I was exhausted.

Last night I didn't blog because I totally had a break down. It was the weirdest thing ever. The moment I got in the car with Eric I just started crying and I cried for about 2 hours without stopping.

So first let me tell you what happened yesterday. I was suppose to get off of work at 1400 but someone didn't have her stuff done and I was asked to stay and help. So I did. Then I decided I would try to catch the bus b/c Eric was going to have to stay late at work. I got on a bus and I rode it to the plaza. The bus driver stopped and everyone got off and he turned it off and he got off so I figured I'd get off and try and figure out how to get home lol. Well I realized where I was and I decided to just walk up to base and wait for Eric lol. So I start walking and this crazy homeless guy is following me and he is yelling at me. I don't know what he was yelling, but I was starting to freak out. Finally a guy that was walking the opposite way stopped him and I was able to keep walking safely. Wow it was a bad day. (for me at least)

Now I want to say the things I am thankful for:

1. I'm thankful for my husband and his job in the military.

2. I'm thankful we have base housing and a roof over our head.

3. I'm thankful that I am not crazy. (the man helped me realize this)

and 4. I'm thankful that I am healthy. I wouldn't be able to do the things I have done the past few days if I was unhealthy.

So those are my 4 Thankful things for this week. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. I hope you all have a GREAT Friday as well.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Terrific Tuesday...

So like I said yesterday I was hosting the Coffee meeting at my house. It turned out awesome. We had some good food and of course yummy coffee.

The girls hadn't been to my house yet (well inside at least) and so I of course gave them a tour. Everyone loved my house which makes me happy inside. ;-) One commented on my entertainment stand in my living room.

Now I don't know if I have told y'all, but my entertainment stand is from The Canos. But more from Mrs. Tonya Cano. She gave it to Eric and I a little after Christmas and a little before the wedding. It was theirs in there living room. Its a dark red stained wood. It has many shelves for pictures and a cabinet for our dvds and such. The part that the tv sits on has a few scratches and chips.

I was asked where I got it and how lovely it was. I smiled and told her who it was from. She gave me a look like "oh wow its used" and then I went into explain what it means to me.

Mrs. Tonya was a very strong woman. I have known her for as long as I can remember. She had cancer and survived it a few years back. Well this past year it came back. But she never gave up and she fought the whole time. We had many late night chats and she always had some of the best advice.

Every time I look at my entertainment stand I see Mrs. Tonya. (which is every day) And today as I was talking about the stand and Mrs. Tonya I of course began to gather tears. Then I was asked if I was going to fix the scratches and the chips and I simply stated "no, it is more homey if I leave it how it is."

Mrs. Tonya will never be forgotten. She is always in my mind and in my heart as is in many others. I want to be like her when I grow up. I want to touch lives like she has. I know she is watching over us and is probably laughing at the fact that I will not "fix" the entertainment stand. She always joked with me.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday is

Wow I can't believe Monday is finally over. Haha I thought it never would end. ;-)

Tomorrow I am hosting our weekly wives coffee meeting at my house. I'm really excited. I love to have people over. Helps close the holes of the loneliness feeling of missing home. (we always had people over)

I've gone over all our finances, and it is starting to look good. We will know for sure if we are getting the truck after the 15th of this Month.

I still can't get over the fact that we are in May now...

I wanted to go home the last weekend of May for my God Bothers wedding, but that chance is slim. But maybe we can go home for the break in June. God Willing.

I need to learn how to make my blog look GREAT and fun to look at instead of boring. haha. Any tips are welcome!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

ABC Easy as 123...A through Z

I have seen this on a few others blogs, and decided I could use this. I think I might steal a few ideas from others as well...haha I'm not that creative. ;-)

A. AREA CODE: I now live in Seaside, CA and it seems that the area code is 831, but my cell phone is 432 (WEST TEXAS ) and I'm not changing it

B. BED SIZE: We own a QUEEN for now

C. CHORE YOU HATE: Prolly the dishes. GROSS!!!!

D. DOGS NAME: Allie May Banegas and Lillie Ass Banegas

E. ESSENTIAL "START THE DAY!" ITEM: Brush my teeth. ;-)

F. FAVORITE COLOR: Wow this is kinda hard...I love them all...but Pink is my #1 favorite color.
G. GOLD OR SILVER: Silver or white gold most def.

H. HEIGHT: I'm 5'2

I. INSTRUMENTS YOU PLAY: I do not play any instruments, but in JH I played the trombone

J. JOB: For now a House Wife...on the HUNT for a job

K. KIDS: Not for a while. We want to enjoy life together first.

L. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Far away from HOME (AKA WEST TEXAS) living with my husband.

M. MOMS NAME: My Momma's name is Laura

N. NICKNAME: Sam, Sammie, Spammie, Spam lol, Mrs. Banegas...oh there are more...

O. OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAY: When I was younger and very sick...

P. PET PEEVE: Mmm...Liars, Cheaters, and rude people.

Q. QUOTE FROM A MOVIE: "I am no one special, just a common man with common thoughts..." From the Notebook

R. RIGHTY OR LEFTY: I'm a righty

S. SIBLINGS: I have two younger sisters Brittany and Kassandra

T. TIME YOU WAKE UP: When Eric is getting ready for PT, and for work at 0400 and again at 0615, and then again right before 0800.

U. UNDERWEAR: I can only wear Victoria Secret. I don't know why, but I hate any other...

V. VEGGIE YOU DISLIKE: I actually love all kinds of Veggies, I don't think there is one I don't like. ;-)

W. WAYS/REASONS YOU ARE LATE: Sleep most of the time.

X. XRAYS YOU HAVE HAD: I broke my collar bone when I was in the 2nd grade...

Y. YUMMY FOOD YOU MAKE: Mmm...where to start...I am just an awesome cook. But I think everyones favorite is prolly my 3 cheese pasta.

Z. ZOO ANIMALS YOU LIKE: I love love love Lions. They are soo neat. Big and Strong.