Wooo it has been a busy week. Ok ok well after yesterday its been busy. I finally got a call from Macys and was able to work. And I got more hours. I worked yesterday from 0630 until 1600. And I worked again today from 0630 til 1500. They were some long butt days. And I was on my feet all day and moving boxes and stuff too. I'm gonna build some muscle in my arms. FINALLY. Also I've already lost three pounds these to days. (Since I have moved here to California I've gained 10 so this was big.) I work again tomorrow my schedule says 0630-1030, but I will prolly be there til about 1500 again.
The past two nights I have finally started to get back in the swing of scrapbooking. YAY!!! I've started Eric's Marine Corp Scrapbook. And it is coming together nicely. I love it. I took a break today from it. I was exhausted.
Last night I didn't blog because I totally had a break down. It was the weirdest thing ever. The moment I got in the car with Eric I just started crying and I cried for about 2 hours without stopping.
So first let me tell you what happened yesterday. I was suppose to get off of work at 1400 but someone didn't have her stuff done and I was asked to stay and help. So I did. Then I decided I would try to catch the bus b/c Eric was going to have to stay late at work. I got on a bus and I rode it to the plaza. The bus driver stopped and everyone got off and he turned it off and he got off so I figured I'd get off and try and figure out how to get home lol. Well I realized where I was and I decided to just walk up to base and wait for Eric lol. So I start walking and this crazy homeless guy is following me and he is yelling at me. I don't know what he was yelling, but I was starting to freak out. Finally a guy that was walking the opposite way stopped him and I was able to keep walking safely. Wow it was a bad day. (for me at least)
Now I want to say the things I am thankful for:
1. I'm thankful for my husband and his job in the military.
2. I'm thankful we have base housing and a roof over our head.
3. I'm thankful that I am not crazy. (the man helped me realize this)
and 4. I'm thankful that I am healthy. I wouldn't be able to do the things I have done the past few days if I was unhealthy.
So those are my 4 Thankful things for this week. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. I hope you all have a GREAT Friday as well.
Park City Utah
2 years ago
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