Friday, July 23, 2010

Lovely Blog!!

Wow Thank you Thank you Thank you Jessica at The Resor's: Marriage and a Mistress Named the Marine Corps for my very first Blog award. This is very exciting. ;-)

The rules of the award are as follows:

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award to 9 fellow bloggers who inspire you.
4. Let them know about the award.
Now for 7 Things about myself:
1. My favorite Color is PINK!!!
2. I am obsessed with Animal Print
3. I love to take pictures. Pictures are important of my life!!
4. I Need my husband day and night. He completes me.  He is the half that makes me whole
5. My mother is my best friend
6. I love my nieces and nephews unconditionally and I'm amazed that that is even possible. 
7. My favorite (not love story) movie is "Friday Night Lights" I love love love WEST TEXAS Football!! ;-)

My 9 Fellow Bloggers who Inspire Me:
2. Janae from Life According to Me
4. Nathalie from  Thomas Family
5. Mandy from A Marine's Wife Life
8. Diana from Find Your Happiness
9. Mrs. Sullivan from The Sullivans

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