So I will be leaving Friday my plane leaves at 1130 to North Carolina. I have a stop in LA and a stop in Atlanta. The travel time is over 9 hours. Wooo that is going to be a long day and it won't help that I am going to a different time zone. A 3 hour different time zone!
But I am excited to be going to see my grandma and my family that lives there. I haven't been there nor seen them since Summer of 2007. Eric and I went that Summer and that was the last time. :-(
I'm not so happy about the reason for me having to go if you know what I mean.
It does look like she won't be needing surgery so that is good, but they are waiting for the swelling (I don't remember if I mentioned but she broke/fractured her foot when she fell) to go down before putting it in a cast. So she has to take care of it and needs to stay off it. My Great-Grandfather (her husband) past in the Spring of 2006. So she lives alone. My Great-Aunt Sandy (her oldest daughter, my grandmas sister) lives farely close to her so that is an upside!!
I was/am hoping for orders to Camp Lejune, NC so I can be close as well and not across the country from her. It would be 20x easier to travel 7 hours to her rather then a 5-9 day trip or a 9 hour flight travel. Mister didn't put Lejune on his "dream sheet" but if he is needed there they will still send him it is just a "dream sheet."
I'm kinda just rambling, but I usually do that best when I'm feeling like I am. I have to get the house cleaned and do the laundry before Friday (no biggig at all since I stay home its usually always spotless except for the wood floors b/c you have to sweep them like 3 times a day and with the dogs its just a little annoying lol) I also have to pack, but It won't be much b/c she always has shampoo and conditioner out the wazoo for all of us who visit her, she also has body was, and a blow dryer! YAY. I'll just have to pack clothes, shoes, makeup, and my hair strightener.
I also don't have a laptop (since mine is out) to take so that is a lot less hassle for me on the trip! I do wish I had a portable dvd player though that would be nice!
I keep asking Mister if he will be ok for a week without me. He says yes, but I'm a bit worried lol. My house will def. be destroyed! haha
I think I rambled enough for today lol. I will I'm sure have more tomorrow.
Park City Utah
2 years ago
1 comment:
Have fun!!! Moving from AZ to GA then back to AZ killed me with the 3 hour time zone.
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