Friday, March 18, 2011

Girls night out?

Yesterday afternoon I got invited by Mrs. C to go to dinner. She is the Church choirs leader (the Church that I have grown up in). In high school I sang with her and the choir every Sunday. Mrs. C and I became very close! I call her my 2nd Mom, and I tell her I am the daughter she never had. (Her two boys are now married and she now has 3 daughters).
She took me to La Casita (my favorite) and we really enjoyed our meal together. It was great talking to her about marriage, the church, and just fun stuff! Its always great to know that she is an always will be there/here for me. 
I wish I would have taken a picture with her, but we will be going out to dinner again before I leave and then I will for sure.
After we ate I went to visit my friends S and M and S's daughter baby Ebs! I make it a point to see certain people everytime I come for a visit and they are always one of them. The wanted me to go out with them and I said yes. As they were getting ready we chatted and just hung out! I ended up not going out with them for a few reasons. The big one being that Eric isn't here to go out with us! I have always thought that once you are married its time to grow up and if you go out for a fun night then you go out together. I believe that if you go out with just the girls your asking for trouble. Of course though I'm not looking for "trouble" when I go out, but why put myself in a "bad" situation? Don't get me wrong, I think girls nights are needed and should be fun, but why go to a bar where there is usually always trouble (at least in this small town I grew up in)? I wouldn't have mind staying in at there house enjoying some girl time with them and listening to music. But I couldn't just tell them this. 
Unfortunately we didn't take pictures last night like I wanted to. But we are suppose to BBQ Sunday so hopefully we will take some pictures! 
I am almost finished going through my moms tote of pictures and putting them in order and in photo albums for her! There is so many of them! I'm exhausted ha!
I ordered my iPhone 4 yesterday and it will be here Monday! I'm a little excited about getting it and owning an iPhone! I've always wanted one, but I've always been on Verizon. Mister is on ATT and I was still on my parents plan with Verizon. I've had my number 1596 since 2003. Yesterday I got an email with my new number and it is so weird! :-( I'm very sad to be losing 1596. I will be joining Misters plan which is smart in a way! Mister wasn't happy with my choice of phone. He says I will break it. But I think I will be very careful with this one. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Diana said...

Dean and I maybe went to a bar for dancing twice or thrice in our lifetime. And that was before we got married. We're just not into "fun" things that usually involve alcohol. The way we see it, if Jesus were with us, will we be taking him to the bar to have fun?

I've had my number since 2003 too, which is originally an AT&T number (then they became Cingular then back to AT&T) before I switch to Verizon in 2005 to join Dean's plan. Now, we're back to AT&T again and still with the same numbers. Have you considered moving your number? I don't know if it's too late now but it's worth asking.

I love my iPhone 4 and Dean wasn't happy with my choice either :) He's not a fan of Apple at all! But he bought it for me anyway. I swear, that man is too good for/to me sometimes.