I know a few times before I've stated that the whole point of this blog is mainly for me to ramble on and on about my life and what is going on in it!! So thats gonna be what this post is about.
Remeber this
post? Well at the bottem I talked about a little bit of good news?! Well I'll share some of it with you! That day was Thursday March 31st and on that Monday I got a call from Eric. He said that his BONUS should be in our account sometime that week. Well on that Wednesday it was!! So what did we do with that bonus you ask??
We payed off our car! Boom
We payed off my school! Boom
We payed off his school! Boom
And We payed off our credit card! Boom
We have NO DEBT!!! If you are some of my military friends then you totally know what a relieve it is to have no debt under our name!!
We had a little extra and I let Mister go out yesterday afternoon and buy himself a hand gun! He is so nice he let me pick it out!! (Well he had 3 picked and let me make the final decision)
So lets recap: We have NO DEBT, we have a new gun in the house, We OWN our car, and WE HAVE ORDERS!! Within about 6 weeks we will be hitting this thing I've heard so much about called the "fleet!" Ha I think Mister is a little excited!!
Oh and real quick, I don't think I mentioned on here, but for 3 months we were getting over paid! Ha just our luck right?! Well the 1st of April it was finally caught and well we didn't get paid! Luckily we caught it in January so we put that extra money in savings for the day! As of the 15th we are back to being paid normally!
I have one more surprise up my sleeve, but I really can't share that until that is fully set in stone and in our hands!! Hopefully in the middle of May we will know something for sure!!
So there is my ramble! ;-)