Saturday, April 23, 2011


So here are the few pictures I got to take of Mister at his first softball game Tuesday night. He played 3 base and he played pretty awesome!! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Marines softball??

Mister has been going to this practice for a couple of weeks now! We even went to academy and bought him a 45$ softball glove because his baseball one was to small to catch the big softball. Tonight was his first game. Now this base that we are at is an Air Force base. The Marine Corps Firedogs training school is here and the the second school for Misters job is here. As far as the Airforce goes I don't know if this is a base that is a "real" base like that of Camp Pendleton or whatever. Anyway the Marine Corps team today played "the old mans team" but I think they were Army. On our side of the stands was myself, and a Sgt wife. Yea that's right just the two of us! Mind you I've never met this woman so it was a little ackward at first. But after a little bit of chit chat before the game we hit it off! The boys played ok for their first game. You can tell there are a few men who have never played softball or baseball before. Haha! But Mister did really well!! We lost our first game 11-9 but it was better then the game that was playing before us. That score was 27-4 and I'm not even joking!! They should have just called it! But they played a full game! Of course myself and this new wife I met where the only ones cheering and the other team had a full stand of people and not a one cheered! So lame! Haha! Must be because we are married to Marines?! I took pictures that I'll post later. I'm blogging from my iPhone and my pics are on my camera! But I wanted to blog about something!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011


I know a few times before I've stated that the whole point of this blog is mainly for me to ramble on and on about my life and what is going on in it!! So thats gonna be what this post is about.

Remeber this post? Well at the bottem I talked about a little bit of good news?! Well I'll share some of it with you! That day was Thursday March 31st and on that Monday I got a call from Eric. He said that his BONUS should be in our account sometime that week. Well on that Wednesday it was!! So what did we do with that bonus you ask??

We payed off our car! Boom
We payed off my school! Boom
We payed off his school! Boom
And We payed off our credit card! Boom

We have NO DEBT!!! If you are some of my military friends then you totally know what a relieve it is to have no debt under our name!!

We had a little extra and I let Mister go out yesterday afternoon and buy himself a hand gun! He is so nice he let me pick it out!! (Well he had 3 picked and let me make the final decision)

So lets recap: We have NO DEBT, we have a new gun in the house,  We OWN our car, and WE HAVE ORDERS!! Within about 6 weeks we will be hitting this thing I've heard so much about called the "fleet!" Ha I think Mister is a little excited!!

Oh and real quick, I don't think I mentioned on here, but for 3 months we were getting over paid! Ha just our luck right?! Well the 1st of April it was finally caught and well we didn't get paid! Luckily we caught it in January so we put that extra money in savings for the day! As of the 15th we are back to being paid normally!

I have one more surprise up my sleeve, but I really can't share that until that is fully set in stone and in our hands!! Hopefully in the middle of May we will know something for sure!!

So there is my ramble! ;-)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mary Kay, Baseball, Swimming, and ORDERS!!!

Frist, Mary Kay in El Paso for the MK Career Confrence:

Second, Baseball with my Mom, Lil Sis, and Mister:

(oh yea and a few Easter Decorations I have put up more to come)

Third, Swimming!! Being back home with Mister and my girls my pool is open so we have been swimming all week long!! Whoop Whoop!!

And now...

For our Orders...

Wednesday one of Mister's Marines texted him to let him know he had orders.
He and the rest of the class is going tomorrow to pick them up!
But...word on the street is that we got Camp Pendelton, California!!!!
Not exactly my cup of tea, but will do! It was a full glass of Tea for Mister! I'll have sunshine and I've found a nice nursing school there so it will do!
Now the fun begins!! House hunting! I wish I could fly my happy behind out there and do a little searching in person instead of over the internet.
Wish Us luck!! And when I get a confirmed answer as to where the next location is I will update! But as of now the Bird is the Word...bhaha

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hi All!!

Sorry I went into hiding once again!! I've just been soo busy!!! I am back home with Mister and I had to play total catch up! Along with playing catch up I am also doing spring cleaning and putting up our winter clothes away! And away they will be I feel for a very long time ha!
This is a quick post but I will post again tomorrow because I have pictures I totally want to share!!

But I gotta spill some beans real quick!!




More tomorrow!!!