Mister has been going to this practice for a couple of weeks now! We even went to academy and bought him a 45$ softball glove because his baseball one was to small to catch the big softball. Tonight was his first game. Now this base that we are at is an Air Force base. The Marine Corps Firedogs training school is here and the the second school for Misters job is here. As far as the Airforce goes I don't know if this is a base that is a "real" base like that of Camp Pendleton or whatever. Anyway the Marine Corps team today played "the old mans team" but I think they were Army. On our side of the stands was myself, and a Sgt wife. Yea that's right just the two of us! Mind you I've never met this woman so it was a little ackward at first. But after a little bit of chit chat before the game we hit it off! The boys played ok for their first game. You can tell there are a few men who have never played softball or baseball before. Haha! But Mister did really well!! We lost our first game 11-9 but it was better then the game that was playing before us. That score was 27-4 and I'm not even joking!! They should have just called it! But they played a full game! Of course myself and this new wife I met where the only ones cheering and the other team had a full stand of people and not a one cheered! So lame! Haha! Must be because we are married to Marines?! I took pictures that I'll post later. I'm blogging from my iPhone and my pics are on my camera! But I wanted to blog about something!!
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