So lately thanks to a friend I spend my days "pinning" it up! lol. Yes I am now addicted to Pinterest! Its super fun and a great helpful place to "tag" things so I can remember them for later! You can have different "boards" so you can organize your wants, ideas, recipes, and your favorite decor. I am in love with the site!
I also have some fantastic news! I'm not posting alot of "stuff" on facebook and I don't really like to tell alot of people because I don't want to come off as bragging. But there are very little people who read this so I don't feel like its a brag! But as of October 1st, Mister is no longer a Lance Clp. He was Officially pinned yesterday Ocotober 4th as Cpl! I couldn't be more proud!!
Today in "sunny" Sandy Eggo its been windy and rainy and just awe so FALLY!!! lol I am in love! But it has made me to be a total bum! I slept in until 11 and then I've been on the sofa playing on the computer! Oh well tomorrow and Friday I'll be a better house wife! ;-)
I found a new recipe for the crock pot that I would like to try in the next week. Can you guess where I found it? Yes thats right I found it on Pinterest! Ha!
I better hop off and take Lillie out in the rain for a walk. It won't last long she will be smart and hurry to do her business! lol. ;-) Happy Wednesday y'all!
1 comment:
I love Pinterest, too! It's where I have been saving all the recipes I find online.
And congratulations to your Hubby! That is such fantastic news.
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