Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thirsty Thursday

So before any of you think of what I mean by my title...know that I am not talking alcohol wise lol. I'm talking about a cold coke. lol we have ran out of them in our house and I am dying for one lol. I can't decided though if I want to go to the commissary to get my BIG RED or if I want to go to the Save Mart and get the blue cream soda. Or if I just want a regular coke. Hum hard decision.
I finally tackled all my laundry (I had one load haha) and I did clean out one of the closets. I say it was somewhat of a productive day.
I have been watering my front yard for about two weeks now, and I must grass is finally coming in. Yippeee!!! ;-)
I am running to the store when I finish with this post to pick up some "Thinking of you" cards. I want to send everyone back home a hello. The ones that I don't call on a daily base like my mom haha. ;-)
I am back to work tomorrow and Saturday and I'm kinda excited just because I was kinda bored at home even though I had a lot I needed to do.
Since we have been home from going home to Texas I have told Mister that we WILL go to church this Sunday. And every Sunday I never make it out on time. So I'm hoping that this week we really really do get up and out at make it to Sunday Mass. I really really want to go and I feel I could use it. I need to do some letting go and Let God come in.
I hope everyone has had a Fabulous Thursday. Tomorrow is FRIDAY!!! YAY!!!

1 comment:

The Resor's said...

Yay for green grass growing lol!
I awarded you an award. Head on over and check it out! :)