I saw this post here and thought it would be fun to do the same. So here we go:
1. I have a slight obsession with crosses! I love my crosses!
Yes I have posted these pics once before. ;-)
2. I love love love DVDs! I love going to walmart and going through the $5 bins of DVDs. Ha
3. My cell phone is ALWAYS on me! I don't think I have ever left the house without my cell!
4. I love to travel! I'm a total travel bug and I love to see new places.
5. I'm from Alpine, Texas (a small town out in the middle of WEST TEXAS) I have lived in North Carolina, San Diego, Ca, Monterey, Ca, and now San Angelo, TX!
6. I married my high school sweetheart! Mister

Picture from March 2007 Our first picture taken together at his sisters wedding.
7. My favorite color is Pink, but now that I am starting to get older I am LOVING RED.
8. I love all things animal print (mostly Zebra)
9. I love to cook and I love making new recipes.
10. I'm not the best at baking but I'm starting to get the hang of it! (I just never had the confidence to bake)
11. I almost always set off the smoke detector. I forget to run the fan above the stove ha.
12. I LOVE TO DECORATE for EVERY holiday!!
13. When I get older I secretly want to have a farm. I want to have a horse, 1 chicken, 2 goats, and maybe a milk cow.
14. As much as I say "I dislike our dog Allie" she is really good to me when Mister isn't home. ;-)
15. I would love to go to DC and go to the National Mall.
16. I hope to someday have a son that joins the Marine Corps like his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather.
17. I secretly "suck" at games like bowling or pool so Mister wins and can "teach" me how to play ha.
18. I sometimes lay awake at night and love to watch Mister sleep.
19. When Mister is sleeping on his back and snores I pretend I'm asleep and put my arm in his face so he rolls over ha!
20. I'm not afraid to tell my secrets like 18 and 19 because I know Mister will never venture on here to read them ha!
21. I'm 21 years old this year!
22. I am always on facebook which I hope one day I will not be!
23. Mister calls me a "hoarder" but after the past 2-3 weeks he has seen that I am not so much! ha (because I almost got rid of everything we have and he had to start saying no to the things I was getting rid of ha)
24. I have to have my chocolate! Or some type of sweets after dinner!
25. Nicolas Sparks is my favorite Author! I love all of his novels.
26. In 2009 I was contacted (via facebook blah) by my biological father, his gf, his gf daughter, his daughter (my half-sister) and my bio-grandmother. I don't really like calling them sister, dad, or grandma. I know that is kinda mean, but I have a DAD, I have 2 SISTERS, and I have a grandmother who all have loved me as their own or full sister!
27. I went to school at Sul Ross State University for 2 years. I have most of my pre-reqs to be a kinder-teacher, but now with Mister in the Military I've been thinking about becoming and LVN. I have 2 aunts who are LVNs and one RN and they love it!
28. Mister makes me drive EVERYWHERE and I hate it! ha
29. I love board games!
30. Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong time! Ha. I think I would have made the perfect house wife, military wife in the 1940s. ha
31. I love to get out of the shower and just get in my new pink robe and sit like that for hours. Mister doesn't it like it. He wasn't very happy when I got the robe for Christmas, he knew I would never get dressed Ha!
32. I love church and I love the way I feel every Sunday, but the last time I went to church was Christmas Eve. :-(
33. I can't stand it when women wear sweatpants out in public. I understand if they just finished working out and need to pick something up for dinner, but if they wear it out of pure laziness it drives me bonkers.
34. I love to read and learn about our bodies. Mostly the reproduction system. It is very interesting.
35. I am a terrible speller! Sometimes spell check doesn't even know what I'm trying to spell Ha!
36. From the 3rd day of being married til the day that I bought it I searched EVERY store I went into looking for a picture of the Last Supper!
37. In our house there is NEVER a dull moment. We are always laughing. (Mostly at something not so smart that I did or said ha)
38. While Mister spend time on the xbox you can most likely find me next to him on the computer. haha
39. My favorite Airline is Southwest! I think they are the BEST!
40. I will never again fly into LAX! That is by far the worst air port EVER!
41. Car problems stress me out to the max!
42. Along with my cell always on my you can most def. find my camera on me to! I love taking pictures of EVERYTHING and ANYTHING!
43. I really really want to be a mother someday!
44. I can't stand people who continue to brag! I got it the first time, I said congrats now SHUT THE HECK UP! I don't do that to others, it is very rude!
45. I one day will give BONE MARROW! It is #1 on my bucket list!
46. I will also one day give blood! I have never been able to b/c I'm anemic. But one day I will!
47. I love to do volunteer work! It warms my heart!
48. I love West Texas rain/thunderstorms.
49. Would love to be on What Not To Wear!
50. I am not big on watching the news. I usually try and don't understand whats going on. ha!
1 comment:
Thank you for sharing this! It's always great to get to know friends in a deeper level.
Since you love the reproductive system, you can be an OB nurse and deliver babies, which I know you also love. It's the perfect job!
I hate driving so Dean drives everywhere. But I am great at passenger-seat driving :)
And kudos to you for wanting to donate bone marrow. The process is very painful so I'm very proud of you!
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