Today is Thursday (I think, I seem to forget what day it is just being here at home everyday) and it is cold and snowing again. I woke up and looked at my bedroom window (let me add that it has alot of condensation so every day more than once I have to wipe all 3 of my windows seals in my apt. of water so it doesn't mold and doesn't drip onto the carpet) and to my amazment it was frozon. Yes I had little ice cycles on my window on the INSIDE!! LIKE HOLY COW really??
My husband managed to get me out last night to Walmart for grocery shopping. It was soooo cold!!! Even the cashiers were bundled up and had ear covers on. :-( Poor workers.
Last night Eric wanted burrittos so thats what we had. On the menu for tonight is a Tasty Chicken and rice soup. If it comes out yummy I will share the recipe! ;-)
Lets see I have managed to catch up on my scrapbooking. I have organized my recipe box. I have cleaned and cleaned agin my apt (that doesn't get very dirty since its just Eric and I I am basically wasting cleaning supplies ha) I've read a book. And I'm half way finished with my first crochet project. (spelling?) Its a puple pot holder.
Husband came home for lunch to grab pt clothes so I made him left overs. He turned on the news and it has managed to crab my attention. Hum, I wonder what is going on in Egypt? A little scary eh??
Ok so now that I am just rambling on I suppose I will stop there! Ha. I hope everyone is staying WARM!
Park City Utah
2 years ago
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