Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Weekend Recap in Pictures!

 This weekend went by way to quick. Friday night my family and I went to the park to just let my little cousins run around. It was a nice evening and we had a total blast.
Mom and Lil Sis on the swings.

 Mom and Lil Sis fighting over the volleyball.
 Lil Sis playing volleyball with me.
 Fur Sis went tooo
Lil Sis and I
 My mom
 Saturday we drove North about 15 miles and went to the Desert to hike.
 The pretty mountains
 Miss M, Lil Sis, and T-man

 Hiking up the mountain
 Pretty view

 Pink cactus?! haha

 This is the place we were hiking at.
 Saturday night I went over to Lettys for a little get together! We finally took a picture together! Actually we took a bunch but this is the only one on my camera ha!
Sunday we cleaned house and Lil Sis gave her dog Rosie a bath! haha


Kimberly said...

Looks like you're having a blast! Hooray for good, family fun!

Did you know that the pink cactus is the result of a mineral deficiency?

Mrs. Kinney said...

Hey Sam!
I am so glad I found you on here! It looks like you are having a wonderful time in Texas with your family.