Thursday, January 15, 2015

9 Months Old

We just celebrated Baby's first Christmas!!!
35 Weeks
She is getting braver and braver. She is standing without holding on to anything for 5 seconds and longer. She got her first ear infection this week and I didn't like it.

36 Weeks
She is a great explorer and traveler. She is on her second cross country trip to Florida to meet grandma Jen and meet grandpa Fred. This is her new build a bear grandma Jen bought.

37 Weeks
I think it's safe to say she'll be walking very soon. She's also learned to start dancing when she hears music.

38 Weeks
She is fascinated with food. She also still loves to be swaddled when its bedtime. She also just celebrated her first Christmas and loves all the new toys she got.

39 Weeks
She has officially taken two steps. She knows the sign for Milk and will tell me when she wants milk. She is also learning to wave bye, though she gets too excited and waves her whole arm. She loves peek a boo and playing patty cake. She is one sassy little girl.

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