Wednesday, December 28, 2011

3 Best Friends in a small town in WEST TEXAS!

Today like most times when I come to my home town I make it a point to see certain people before we leave. Today I got to see two of them. My two best friends from middle school and up through high school. 
We are on totally different life paths but it is always so great to catch up with them. They both came over to my parents new house (which tonight is the 2nd night they/we get to sleep in it) and I was able to give them a tour. I think they feel the same way as I. This isn't the house I/we grew up in and it made us all a little sad. We have had plenty of sleep overs and birthday parties and just hanging out at each others house to where it was like we had 3 homes instead of just our one. After a little bit we decided to head to the small town of Ft. Davis and pick up some pecans. I know I know pecans you ask? Well these pecans are amazing. its from the Nut Company and they have all sorts of different flavors. I picked up the Cinnamon Toast flavor, K picked up an orange flavor, and L picked up a Key Lime Pie flavor. We got to sample all the other flavors, which is what got us all to buy a bag of our favorite kind. I was hoping to take this bag home to California and share with my friends there, but I am pretty sure they will be finished by the morning ha! 
When we got back to town we stopped at a new coffee shop downtown (that wasn't good at all, but then again its no starbucks ha!) And then decided to head to K's house. Her dad and brothers and step mom were there and it was just like in high school. We were welcomed in with open arms and hugs and kisses and it just felt like being home. It was super awesome.
We got to chit chat for a few hours before L and I got texts that dinner was ready and K's brother came up to tell us their dinner was ready as well. 
Unfortunately L is flying to AZ to meet her new BF's parents (this is serious but I don't want to jinx it) and Mister and I leave for California on Friday. K and I will hangout tomorrow for a little bit but I'm very sad this trip was so short and I won't be able to be back for at least the next year with Mister deploying soon and all. 
Hanging out with these two made me think. Yes we are on totally different life paths like I mentioned, but we still have a great time. We have our different stories to share and we laugh and giggle and almost pee our pants when we talk about our "younger" days. Both of them are in College and living that "college wild life" and seem to be really happy. I enjoyed hearing their drunken stories and their stories about their boyfriends and tacky roommates. They are interested in my married life and what Mister and I get to do and see as we travel and such. They both know that Mister and I are "trying" for a baby. They are updated every month and their faces light up today when I talked about it. I was worried at first about telling them because they are no where were I am in my life. But all through grade school my goals on my notebooks were to graduate high school, get married, and have a family. So I guess I could figure that they would totally be supportive and excited for me but I was just worried. Their families too ask them about the baby process and seem to "can't wait" to see a baby Banegas! But hanging out with them I got to thinking about maybe putting it off. I know I said that yesterday also. But what am I going to do when the 3 of us are in town and I have a baby. I can't just get up from the sofa and take a trip with them to Ft. Davis with a child. I can't go to one of their houses with this baby and chit chat for hours on end. I can't meet them at the "bar" for a few drinks with a baby. I mean I'm sure my mother wouldn't mind me leaving the baby with her (she can't wait to be a grandmother) but I just think its rude when people go home and "pawn" their children off on the grandparents so they can go out and have fun. 
I hope that I will get to see them both again together soon rather than later. I sure do miss them. They are the only thing I miss about High School. Our friendship. Our bond. Our memories. They will always hold a special place in my heart and I will always keep in touch with them.

Married 2 years, Say What?

I cannot believe our 2nd year anniversary is coming up in a few days! It feels just like yesterday that I was making breakfast burritos for my "boy crush" in high school. That was before he officially asked me out on our first date and before we officially became a "thing." I still get those butterflies, at least once a week. I can remember how I had just had my heart broken a few months before I met Eric in the athletic medicine room. I had sworn to my friends that the next boy I "dated" I was going to break his heart. Ha! And look here we are 6 years later, 2 years of marriage later and happy and healthy and in love as can be. I could not have asked for a better man to be my life partner. He is my soul mate, my better half, the bubble to my gum Ha! He makes me whole. Makes me a better person and makes me want to be an even better person. He knows what makes me go round and what makes me fall down. He knows how to pick me up and knows how to spoil me and love me. He can tell before I even say anything, that something is wrong. That someone has done me wrong. That someone has broken my heart. Not many people have what we have. We have a love built on a fire and the flame continues to grow in warmth as the days pass. I pray for those who do not have the love that we have for each other. I can't imagine my life without him. It makes living that much more exciting and that much more worth living for. My world falls apart when he has to leave for days or weeks at a time for work. To be honest I haven't a clue what I'm going to do when he has to leave next year for 7-9 months for deployment. (That will be another blog post when that time comes). I can't imagine what it is like to not have what we have. To be bonded together not because of love but because "of a child." I feel sorry for those that have/had to go through that. Didn't have the opportunity to enjoy life together before children. We have and we have enjoyed every minute of it and will continue to enjoy life as it is. Life is grand just the way it is for now and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I just cannot believe that we will be married for 2 years this Sunday! I love my husband more than anything in the world and I'm so Blessed to have him next to me. I praise the good Lord above daily for him.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Its December already

I know that the last time I blogged was back in October. But that doesn't mean that I don't get on and read others. I just feel like my life has nothing fun or interesting to blog about like I can read on y'alls. I don't have children that I can blog what they are doing to keep for ever and ever. I don't work so I don't have funny stories to share. All I do is go to school online and stay home as a house wife. There are things like Thanksgiving that I can blog about which I will in a little bit. Also Eric and I have been talking about starting a family but not sure when exactly we want to officially start trying trying. So I do know that when that time does come I will deffinetly be blogging about that. I wanted to make this an online journal but most of the stuff I want to write about aren't fun interesting things that have happened but times that have put me in a slump and my hearts been broken. I don't do to many crafts so I can't really post about the crafts I do. I think I am really just trying to come up with an excuse as to why I am always away from blogging and why I only have 22 followers who probably don't even follow any more. Ha!

I'll go on and post about our Thanksgiving.
I had originally planned to have our dear friends Brittany, Joe, and their son Elias along with a Marine that is stationed here as well from our home town who wasn't able to go home. Then I decided I want to invite another family of 5, which then turned into another family of 7. By then Mister decided that, that was way to many people/kids for him. Which I totally understand because it would have been for me as well. I was also kinda unhappy about that because I wanted to (be the selfish person I am) cook the entire meal by myself and a few others wanted to pitch in. Needless to say we backed out and had our own Thanksgiving the way we wanted to with the family of 3, our Marine friend, and us.
Our menu:
A 27 lb Turkey
A 7 lb Ham
Sweet Potatoes
Potato Salad
Mashed Potatoes
Greenbean Casserole
Sweet Cornbread
16 Dinner Rolls
Deviled Eggs
2 Pumpkin Pies
2 Pecan Pies
The night before I made the cornbread for the stuffing. Made all four pies. Boiled all the eggs. Which I believe ended up being like 48 eggs or so. I also made the Sweet Cornbread and made sure the Dinner Rolls were in the fridge ready to be backed in the morning. Then about 10pm I got the turkey out. Made sure I got the giblets and the neck out and then I proceeded to rub down the entire turkey with a stick of butter and then put a stick of butter inside the cavety.
At 5 am I woke to put the turkey in the over so it could cook for the proper amount of hours to be ready by 2pm. I went back upstairs and to back to bed and Mister woke up and came downstairs to start playing his video games ha! About 8am I woke took a shower and got ready to come back down. I started all the rest of the sides. About 1pm our friends came over and the boys started watching the game that was on while I finished cooking and Brittany (was was 35 weeks pregnant at the time) sat and drank a coke to keep me company! The turkey took 30 minutes extra then I planned but 30 minutes was fine with me. It came out and as I had Mister start to carve it, he had no problem with it for it pretty much just feel off the bone. It was by far the best turkey I have ever had. I know I know I'm still boasting about it but it was my first turkey alone ever and I loved it. I normally hate turkey because it is so dry. Not mine!! ;-)

After dinner we sat around and watched tv, played games, and just enjoyed each others company. I couldn't have asked for a better Thanksgiving Day. Oh wait yes I could, if my parents would have been here like last year than it would have been the BEST Thanksgiving ever! But it was still good.

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I'm not a bad person...I'm not a bad person.

"I'm not a bad person..." seems to be what is on my mind since yesterday afternoon at about 1 pm. Here is my vent:
First I need to give you a back ground story so you kinda know whats going on.
For about a month and a half now we have known that our good friend's (who has 2 kids and is on baby number 3) husband will be going into the field for a month in October (NOW). We knew baby 3 was due closer to the end of this month but its the 3rd baby so the can come early. We had a game plan, well actually we had SEVERAL game plans in case one falls through we can go onto backup plan. I had promised (as well as the other girls) to help out in any way we can when its baby time since her husband was going to be gone.
Monday we recieve a text that she is 3cm and 75% "faced" (I think thats what it is called).
Tuesday morning at 6 I recieve a text that she was in pain and she was pretty sure it was baby time. Game plan 1 was that I was going to drive to her house and then drive her to the hospital. The only thing wrong with yesterday was that I had a test (A FINAL TEST) at 2pm. I tried to explain this to her thinking she would understand and go onto game plan 2 but instead she made me feel really bad and made it seem like she was alone and didn't have a 2nd game plan.
So I went anyway. When I got to her home she wasn't there. Another wife had started down the HWY (oh yeah back up the Naval hospital on base was/is full in the baby dept. so she had to deliever her baby in SD a whole hour away). So I finally caught up to them (When I should have just turned around since she wasn't alone) and we made it to the hospital at about 930. The midwifes were busy so they weren't able to check her for another hour and a half. So we walked and walked and walked around the hospital to get the baby moving down more) At 11 they came in and checked her. She was at a 6 and only 80% faced. I told her that I was going to leave at noon to make it back in time to do a little review for my test. I was hoping for an hour but I got in at 130 and I had to test at 2. I did study all weekend but I'm the type of person I have to review it the day of the test a few hours to do really well. I've always been like that. I took my test and I didn't do as well as I wanted or needed to!
To say this nicely I was livid! I was in tears. I don't do well with not passing or not doing fantastic on a test! Esp. when something got in the way of it. Had I had the extra hour or two I know for a fact I would have done 20x better on it!
Then I decided since I was so upset I was just going to ignore my cell phone and shut the world out. And I did just that! Well I did go to zumba at 7 to get those feel good vibes going again. As of 4pm I had recieved a text that she was still only at a 7 and she was only 85% faced.
What is still bugging me about all this is that I could have stayed home, studied, passed my test, and then left for SD. I have a feeling that the girls "talked" and there was prolly some ugly words said about me which is also really bugging me. The thing is I NEVER say NO! I'm always helping others. Just 2 weeks ago I was so sick and throwing up (which I caught from all these kids) and I still went and watched someones kid while they ran errands. All I wanted to do that time was sleep. Mister gets so upset with me for always helping out others. As I sit here and try and think of the times I've been helped I honestly can't think of any. Yes there have been times where they said "if you need anything just ask" or stuff like that but not one time has someone actually stepped up to the plate and done for me what I've done for them. (At least with 3-4 of these ladies, there has been at least 2 that have but I'm not talking about them just to get that out there).
I think what bugs me the super most is the fact that it was a TEST for school. I figured they would understand and say to come after! But no! If it were I that was giving birth and Mister happened to be away and the person who is suppose to be there for me can't because she or he has a test for school I would go at it alone!
Does this make me a bad person. I feel like a terrible person for actually wishing I had been selfish for once and should have said "no I'll come after my test."
I just feel so exhausted and I can't tell Mister because not only will he be made that once again I was "taken advantage of" (as he would say) but that I also didn't do that well on my test! I guess that is why I came here. I'm sure you prolly don't want to read my rant, so I'm sorry.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


So lately thanks to a friend I spend my days "pinning" it up! lol. Yes I am now addicted to Pinterest! Its super fun and a great helpful place to "tag" things so I can remember them for later! You can have different "boards" so you can organize your wants, ideas, recipes, and your favorite decor. I am in love with the site!

I also have some fantastic news! I'm not posting alot of "stuff" on facebook and I don't really like to tell alot of people because I don't want to come off as bragging. But there are very little people who read this so I don't feel like its a brag! But as of October 1st, Mister is no longer a Lance Clp. He was Officially pinned yesterday Ocotober 4th as Cpl! I couldn't be more proud!!

Today in "sunny" Sandy Eggo its been windy and rainy and just awe so FALLY!!! lol I am in love! But it has made me to be a total bum! I slept in until 11 and then I've been on the sofa playing on the computer! Oh well tomorrow and Friday I'll be a better house wife! ;-)

I found a new recipe for the crock pot that I would like to try in the next week. Can you guess where I found it? Yes thats right I found it on Pinterest! Ha!

I better hop off and take Lillie out in the rain for a walk. It won't last long she will be smart and hurry to do her business! lol. ;-) Happy Wednesday y'all!

Monday, September 26, 2011

MIA again...whats up with that...

Hi all,
I know that I've been MIA again. I always seem to do that when I get a lot on my plate. I know I said in the last post or in one of the last posts that we were back in Cali and we were getting settled in. We are officially settled in and I am officially enrolled in school. I actually have already finished 2 of the 6 classes I signed up for this semester! I took my finals and passed both of them.

Mister has been hard at work. He is going to be deployed sometime next year and for a pretty good long 9 months. He is pretty excited and I am excited for him. This past month he has been away for some deployment training and he comes back on the 29th! I'm so excited I can't hide it! His 23rd birthday is Wednesday and I'm sad he won't be home until the day after (of course cause thats how the Marine Corps Works)! But you can bet that Friday I will be throwing a little party for him to celebrate! I'll make sure he has plenty to "drink" along with plenty of food for all our friends. I will have a brisket (yummo) potato salad, a pot of beans, brats, and some cupcakes!!

We will also be celebrating Misters promotion. He will be promoted to Cpl on October 1st, but not officially pinned until Monday October 3rd. I think I was/is a little more excited about that then he is/was lol.

We have the Marine Corps Birthday Ball coming up November 12th in San Diego. Since we won't be able to go next year I really wanted to go this year! But as I was looking at the NY Giants football schedule I noticed that they play San Fran on the 13th! Since that weekend is a 96 I thought that we may want to go see them play instead of go to the ball. The price will be about the same. (Because we have booked our hotel room at the hotel where the Ball will be held and that alone is $150, plus the cost of a dress and shoes, the cost to get his uniform ready, the cost to get my hair did, and the final cost of two ball tickets. I have asked Mister what he wanted to do, but I haven't recieved a responce. I would be happy with either one! ;-)

I decided I would come back to my blog to not blog for an audience, but to blog about what is on my mind. And what is going on in our life. Kinda like an online diary to keep up with us. There may or may not be pictures.

So here was the latest update and I have a topic for tomorrow but I think I've typed to much for one day. ;-)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

iPhone 4! And just another blog post!

So the first thing on the title is iPhone 4. But this is for all iPhone users. I want to know what apps you guys like? What are fun games you play? What are awesome photography apps you like?? What are just some of your favorite apps??
So the last month and a half I was in Texas a good friend of mine and another Marine wife posted pictures on her facebook of hair bows she made. We got together about a week later and she taught me how to make them. Can I just say that I love love love hair bows!! I've made a few and I've sold a few. They are so much fun to make!! I also have worn a few. For instence I wore my USA red, white, and blue bow this past Independce Day! We went to Knotts Berry Farm and after every ride we got off of someone asked where I got my bow. As I told them that I made it they were in shock and they loved it. Well of course because it was totally cute!!!

Pink and animal print my fave!
Red, White, And Blue!!
This is the USA one that I wore!
Purple and animal print!

Those are just a few of my favorites that I have made!!

This seems to be my new favorite hobby!! I still am a scrapbooking maniac, and I still love to take pictures, but now I also love to make bows!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday funday!!!

Hi all,
Whew its been a little busy around here still with getting settled in and taking on the task to enrolling back into school. My house is complete and I am pretty much back into school. The only thing pending is my financial aid and well thats about it ha! I can't explain how excited I am to be back into school!! I love learning and I love writing papers and all that fun stuff!!

Fun fact: $200 million dollars worth of "Silly Bandz" have been sold.

And can I just say for the record that everytime I see Lil Sis, she prolly has about $1,000 worth of them lol.

Oh yeah let me back track a little...
On our road trip back out West we made a Las Vegas stop since this time I was 1. old enough to "enjoy" it
and 2. we had that extra bonus money to make the stop
Well the part I loved about Vegas was all the things we got to see, the lions, the shark reef, the Titanic museum, the body museum, and just the sites.
But Vegas isn't my cup of tea and I don't think I'll be interested in going back. We did however get to see Tim McGraw live in concert. He was literally 3 people in front of me! I love Tim!! His song "My Little Girl" was the father/daughter dance at my wedding that my daddy and I danced to. ;-)

On my Monday Funday I have cleaned house, completed all the laundry, and have started dinner. On the menu tonight is Green Chicken Encheladas, Rice and a pot of beans. the Beans have been on since about 11 this am. I have also completed my fasfa so hopefully I can get some financial aid help before going to loans.

I hope you all have had a Monday Funday but more fun then mine.  ;-)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I'm back...

Wow April was the last time I had posted. I knew it had been a while, but I didn't think it had been two months!!
We have PCSd back to California. But this time we are down South instead of up North. Its warmer here. Actually I have been burning up! Its not the triple digits I keep hearing about back home in Texas, but it is pretty hot here! The ocean breeze is super awesome and the beaches are so nice! We met up this past Sunday with two other Marines from Home and went to the beach! We played in the ocean waves and got to talk.
We are now in a 1 bedroom, 1 and a half bath. Ha. But it is actually alot nicer then I thought it was going to be. We are also saving money living here which is also a plus!! My kitchen is the larges kitchen I have had out of all 3 places we have lived in.
I've got to run to make Tacos for Tuesday for Mister!! I have a few blog posts on my mind...

Saturday, April 23, 2011


So here are the few pictures I got to take of Mister at his first softball game Tuesday night. He played 3 base and he played pretty awesome!! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Marines softball??

Mister has been going to this practice for a couple of weeks now! We even went to academy and bought him a 45$ softball glove because his baseball one was to small to catch the big softball. Tonight was his first game. Now this base that we are at is an Air Force base. The Marine Corps Firedogs training school is here and the the second school for Misters job is here. As far as the Airforce goes I don't know if this is a base that is a "real" base like that of Camp Pendleton or whatever. Anyway the Marine Corps team today played "the old mans team" but I think they were Army. On our side of the stands was myself, and a Sgt wife. Yea that's right just the two of us! Mind you I've never met this woman so it was a little ackward at first. But after a little bit of chit chat before the game we hit it off! The boys played ok for their first game. You can tell there are a few men who have never played softball or baseball before. Haha! But Mister did really well!! We lost our first game 11-9 but it was better then the game that was playing before us. That score was 27-4 and I'm not even joking!! They should have just called it! But they played a full game! Of course myself and this new wife I met where the only ones cheering and the other team had a full stand of people and not a one cheered! So lame! Haha! Must be because we are married to Marines?! I took pictures that I'll post later. I'm blogging from my iPhone and my pics are on my camera! But I wanted to blog about something!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011


I know a few times before I've stated that the whole point of this blog is mainly for me to ramble on and on about my life and what is going on in it!! So thats gonna be what this post is about.

Remeber this post? Well at the bottem I talked about a little bit of good news?! Well I'll share some of it with you! That day was Thursday March 31st and on that Monday I got a call from Eric. He said that his BONUS should be in our account sometime that week. Well on that Wednesday it was!! So what did we do with that bonus you ask??

We payed off our car! Boom
We payed off my school! Boom
We payed off his school! Boom
And We payed off our credit card! Boom

We have NO DEBT!!! If you are some of my military friends then you totally know what a relieve it is to have no debt under our name!!

We had a little extra and I let Mister go out yesterday afternoon and buy himself a hand gun! He is so nice he let me pick it out!! (Well he had 3 picked and let me make the final decision)

So lets recap: We have NO DEBT, we have a new gun in the house,  We OWN our car, and WE HAVE ORDERS!! Within about 6 weeks we will be hitting this thing I've heard so much about called the "fleet!" Ha I think Mister is a little excited!!

Oh and real quick, I don't think I mentioned on here, but for 3 months we were getting over paid! Ha just our luck right?! Well the 1st of April it was finally caught and well we didn't get paid! Luckily we caught it in January so we put that extra money in savings for the day! As of the 15th we are back to being paid normally!

I have one more surprise up my sleeve, but I really can't share that until that is fully set in stone and in our hands!! Hopefully in the middle of May we will know something for sure!!

So there is my ramble! ;-)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mary Kay, Baseball, Swimming, and ORDERS!!!

Frist, Mary Kay in El Paso for the MK Career Confrence:

Second, Baseball with my Mom, Lil Sis, and Mister:

(oh yea and a few Easter Decorations I have put up more to come)

Third, Swimming!! Being back home with Mister and my girls my pool is open so we have been swimming all week long!! Whoop Whoop!!

And now...

For our Orders...

Wednesday one of Mister's Marines texted him to let him know he had orders.
He and the rest of the class is going tomorrow to pick them up!
But...word on the street is that we got Camp Pendelton, California!!!!
Not exactly my cup of tea, but will do! It was a full glass of Tea for Mister! I'll have sunshine and I've found a nice nursing school there so it will do!
Now the fun begins!! House hunting! I wish I could fly my happy behind out there and do a little searching in person instead of over the internet.
Wish Us luck!! And when I get a confirmed answer as to where the next location is I will update! But as of now the Bird is the Word...bhaha

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hi All!!

Sorry I went into hiding once again!! I've just been soo busy!!! I am back home with Mister and I had to play total catch up! Along with playing catch up I am also doing spring cleaning and putting up our winter clothes away! And away they will be I feel for a very long time ha!
This is a quick post but I will post again tomorrow because I have pictures I totally want to share!!

But I gotta spill some beans real quick!!




More tomorrow!!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Week and more recap!

Hello all! 
I'm sorry I have once again been MIA! But being home at my parents has been a little busy! I'm of course enjoying my time here and I really don't want to go back hah! Don't get me wrong I totally miss Mister, but I'm just very content here! I did get to see Mister this past weekend in San Antonio for Lil Sis's cheer Competition at Sea World. We had a total blast and her team came out with a 1st place! 
 Lil Sis is one of the flyers.
Lil Sis

 Lil Sis her on the left.
 Lil Sis is on the right.

We spent the whole day riding the rides and watching a few of the shows at Sea World! For all my military friends you can get into Sea World (any in CA, FL, or TX) for free. You can register online or at the box office! You will only need yours and your spouses ID! Also if you have children 10 and older they will need their ID! And you also get a 30% coupon off of any meal at any "food" thing in the park! I actually put those coupons in the wrong bag so we didn't get to use that for our lunch but our lunch was less then 10 dollars so it wasn't that big of a deal ha! 
The shows were GREAT and the rides were GREAT! We rode the Journey to Atlantis 4 times (got soaking wet). My Mom will only ride that so we took advantage of it and rode it a ton! There were hardly any lines at any of the rides so that was why we got to ride them so much! I rode the Steel Eel with Lil Sis and her girlfriends about 10 times ha! And Mister and I rode the Great White about 5! I'm a screamer so every time we rode the girls would apologize to the people behind or in front of us haha! Ah it was such a great time! 
We went to the Shamu show with Mom, Lil Sis, Miss S, and Mrs. S and we got soaking wet! Mister and Miss Bea (my middle sister) sat up higher then the splash zone and they took pictures for me! Ha! 

 Apperently if you want a good seat you should get there about 30 minutes before the show even starts! HA! 
I think Mister had a great time as well!

The sun was in my eyes but I had to have this picture ha!

This week has been a little crazy for me as well! I've got to see many of my friends and family! And tomorrow I go to El Paso for Mary Kay! I'm a little excited and nervous at the same time! BLAH! 
We actually got some good news yesterday and hoping that we will get to follow through with it. As excited as we both are we are also a little stressed out about it! We will see how thing play out so please keep us in your prayers! When the details are set in stone I'll share with you all our great news! But I don't want to jinx it so I will keep my mouth shut!