Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thank yous and new update...

First off I want to Thank you awesome and kind ladies for reading my blog and commenting! Y'all are awesome!!
Second Grandma has been walking all day today! She will get up and do a few laps around the living room, and then she walked all the way back to her bedroom to the rest room and back! Of course she has the assistance of her walker, but she is doing fantastic!
This side of the familiy is very strong so I hope that I have inhereted this side of the family for that reason. My mom dad's side of the family hasn't been healthy with old age, and pass at earlier ages then my mom moms side of the family! I don't know what my sperm donors side of the family is like and I hope there isn't anything bad and I hope I don't have those jeans haha.
I do miss Eric of course, but I am still loving it here! I haven't been out of the house much and so I'm starting to get a little antsy! I feel like the walls are closing in on me! haha
I saw last night that the CMA's are the night of the our ball! Booo I'm a little sad about that haha
Yesterday (or the day before) I watched the Ellen show and Taylor Swift was on. I love her! Well after she talked to her and after she preformed they brought this Navy wife out and she was an emotional wreck (I would be too hahaha) She had said that she walked down the isle to Taylor's song "Love Song" (one of my favs) and then a month later he husband left for a deployment (I think on a ship I don't really understand the Navy) well then Taylor comes out gives her a hug, holds her hand, gives her a signed guitar! ooo I was super jealous, and super happy for her! I was also crying b/c I'm an emotional wreck all the time and a big o'le sap!
What do you think about these elections. I ddin't vote b/c I'm registared back home in Texas and I didn't know how to figure out a way to vote. But I can bet you that when its time to vote for our President that I will be figuring out that way or I will be flying home to vote!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

God is Good

So we went to the doctor today and he had fantastic news! Grandma was able to get a walking boot on and is able to put as much weight on it as she feels comfortable. She is super happy about that and so am I! I thinkt the whole family is!
She let me drive to the store and the post office and back home all alone (wOW) lol. Its not as bad as driving in Cali that if for sure!
Today as I'm sitting here I get a few text messages from an old friend that I hadn't talked to in a few and it was good to catch up! Don't you just love those!!
Awe I love it here in the fall! Its cold, but its a nice cold. The leaves are very pretty! And it just smells so good here! I miss Texas and I miss NC. I would love to be here! I think that when deployment comes I will be leaving our duty station and coming to NC for the duration of Eric's time in the sand. I always said I wasn't going to stay at our duty station, but I totally forgot about coming here during that time! So I think here is where I want to be! ;-)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Its November 1st!

10 Months ago. Wow its already been 10 months of marriage...I can def. say those months went by super super fast! We have two months to go and we hit our 1st year!
I'm enjoying my time here I really am! Today I went with my great-aunt Sandy to Target and then to the grocery store to pick up a few items. She and grandma argued about me driving her van or not. Grandma says that "in-experinced" drivers aren't allowed to drive. Well Aunt Sandy logged on to statefarm to see what "in-experinced" drivers meant and its anyone who has been driving for less then 3 years! Well I've been driving for 4 going on 5 in January (that isn't including the year driving with my mom or dad next to me with my permit! So Aunt Sandy won and grandma agreed that I can drive to the grocery store and the post office lol. (those are the only places I know how to get to and back from haha)
I kinda know how to get to Target, but I'm not home, so there isn't really anything I need to buy hahaha.
I've been watching a ton of tv here! And totally just vegging out! I hope that I can fit into any of the dresses I have at home for the ball haha. If not I don't know what I'm going to do!
Grandma has been doing a ton better! Today she stayed out of the bed room all day! Not once did she go back to bed! I'm super proud of her! I knew she would get there b/c she is super strong! This side of the family is healthy and strong. She turns 88 on November 8th (the day I leave) But she def. doesn't look 88! The fall was caused by her dang dog! He is jsut super hyper and pulled her out the door that morning! BLAH!!
Tomorrow we go to the doctor!! YAY

Sunday, October 31, 2010

I'm here...

So I'm finally here! I'm here in NC, and I am loving life! (not that I don't already) But I feel at home. I lived here my first two years of life with my mom. We lived with my grandma (who fell) and my grandpa. After that we traveled here every Summer! My grandpa past away in 2006 from a brain bleed. Summer 2007 was the last time I was here so it has been a while! I'm super glad I came! My grandma is doing well. We have "visiting angels" here who are helping her get out of bed and go to the bathroom. But she has gotten alot of strength back! Tuesday we go to the doctors and get a cast on the foot! YAY! Then hopefully she will be able to walk on her foot.
When we normally come here we usually do things outside of the home like go to the beach, or to the lake, to see places and such. But this trip I'm just mainly here to spend time with her and help her around the house! Which for me has been super nice! This time difference kinda kicked my butt but not as bad as I thought it would. I guess that is all I have for now...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Its official.

So I will be leaving Friday my plane leaves at 1130 to North Carolina. I have a stop in LA and a stop in Atlanta. The travel time is over 9 hours. Wooo that is going to be a long day and it won't help that I am going to a different time zone. A 3 hour different time zone!
But I am excited to be going to see my grandma and my family that lives there. I haven't been there nor seen them since Summer of 2007. Eric and I went that Summer and that was the last time. :-(
I'm not so happy about the reason for me having to go if you know what I mean.
It does look like she won't be needing surgery so that is good, but they are waiting for the swelling (I don't remember if I mentioned but she broke/fractured her foot when she fell) to go down before putting it in a cast. So she has to take care of it and needs to stay off it. My Great-Grandfather (her husband) past in the Spring of 2006. So she lives alone. My Great-Aunt Sandy (her oldest daughter, my grandmas sister) lives farely close to her so that is an upside!!
I was/am hoping for orders to Camp Lejune, NC so I can be close as well and not across the country from her. It would be 20x easier to travel 7 hours to her rather then a 5-9 day trip or a 9 hour flight travel. Mister didn't put Lejune on his "dream sheet" but if he is needed there they will still send him it is just a "dream sheet."
I'm kinda just rambling, but I usually do that best when I'm feeling like I am. I have to get the house cleaned and do the laundry before Friday (no biggig at all since I stay home its usually always spotless except for the wood floors b/c you have to sweep them like 3 times a day and with the dogs its just a little annoying lol) I also have to pack, but It won't be much b/c she always has shampoo and conditioner out the wazoo for all of us who visit her, she also has body was, and a blow dryer! YAY. I'll just have to pack clothes, shoes, makeup, and my hair strightener.
I also don't have a laptop (since mine is out) to take so that is a lot less hassle for me on the trip! I do wish I had a portable dvd player though that would be nice!
I keep asking Mister if he will be ok for a week without me. He says yes, but I'm a bit worried lol. My house will def. be destroyed! haha
I think I rambled enough for today lol. I will I'm sure have more tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So busy and so stressed!

Sorry I have been MIA again! I've just had a lot going on...(mostly in my head) but none the less its been crazy.
We still haven't gotten orders but I feel them coming. Eric is starting to get ready for his TESTS! And I'm starting to get ready for this move.
We were planning on my mom, dad, baby sister, her friend, and my mother in law to come here for Thanksgiving.
Today I got a call from my mom saying my Great Grandmother has fallen and we need family there ASAP. She lives in NC so looks like Friday I'm on a plan to stay until the 8th.
We have the Marine Corps Ball on the 10th.
Eric has his 301 that week also.
Then the next week or so family comes in (unless they have to go to NC)
Then Eric has his BIG TESTS.
Then Eric Graduates.
Then hopefully we have orders and can begin the process of moving.
If not then we have Christmas BREAK.
Then possibly a move! BLAH!!! So stressed!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 16 and Show Us Your Life!

Day 16: Something or someone I COULD def. live without!

Hum, I could live without this terrible pain in my chest that I have had for over a year now. Its not heart burn and its not heart ache (Misters words haha), but its like this sharp stabbing feeling and it hurts so bad sometimes that I can't even breathe. I would rather hold my breath so the pain isn't there.

Today is also SUYL over at Kellly's Korner and today is The Office.

So this is our office...

This is actually an old picture from when we first moved in back in February. It looked alot nicer then it does now...

This is our book shelf with many of his Arabic books, his dvd player, and his projector. Beside the shelf is his pull up bar. Then there is the desk with my fantastic new printer and a few of my new projects (uncompleted on top). The tote underneath with the blue lid is all my Mary Kay paper work stuff.

The boxes on the far left are boxes that are going home with my mom when they come for Thanksgiving. The bottom box has my old High School stuff that I don't think we will have room for and I want her to put in storage. The top box is stuff I don't use that my little sister might take interest in. The stacking shelf thingy is all my scrapbookin, painting, and coloring supplies lol. On the far right is a big printer and a little cd player neither of them work and I just don't know what exactly to do with them. I don't know if it is ok to just throw them out??

This is the only picture on the wall out of all 4 walls. This is Misters Plt. back in Boot Camp. Handsome men! ;-)

We moved Lillie's bed in here back in May. She was in a tiny little "room" (the housing office said it was a room, but its actually suppose to be like a utility closet. Well it was big and she fit, but I just felt like she needed more breathing room haha so I moved her in here! She seems to have been doing a ton better in her since May! So YAY for us!

I'm supper glad I was able to upload this pictures for you all to see! I was so ready for this weekend to finally come! Tonight Mister and I are just hanging out at home. Tomorrow morning I am going with Alanea to the Mall to go MC Ball dress shopping! Then in the evening out with girl friends for some karaoke. Sunday I have a baby shower to attent to that I am super stoked about!! ;-)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Some October Pictures

So here are some pictures I have been wanting to share for some time, but my laptop broke and my Misters wouldn't let me upload them for some reason. I did something today and now it is working so yay!!
This is some of the girlies that went to girls night the first Saturday of October for Brittany's (far left) birthday dinner
This is Brittany and I. She is my Cali Sister. ;-) And I love her like a sister and her son like a nephew (her son is below in a picture with Allie)

And this is all of us! We never get the chance to go out and dress up! So this was a fun night for us all!

This is Elias (Brittany's son) and My Allie! This is the first time they got to meet!

And Allie! She likes to think she is the Princess of this house. This is where she has been sleeping now that I have stripped the bed to wash everything before my family gets here! I guess I'll just let her and then clean the mattress before they get here haha. BRAT!!! 

This is Eric and I at Hearst Castle. The only picture I took of the two of us and it is totally blurry! BLAH! I took over 200 pictures of that place hahaha...

and this is the sunset on the Pacific Ocean. We are driving along HWY 1 along the coast! I had to pull over and snap this shot! We drove home that night and we watched the sun go down the whole way it was totally awesome! I've never seen sut a pretty sunset in my life!! One good thing I love about this place! THE WATER!!!

I know I already posted, but I somehow got the upload to work. I hope I can get it to work from here on out!!!

Day 15

Day 15: something or someone I couldn't live without.
Ha so this is a someone and that someone is my husband.
In October of 2008 Mister came home and told me he was going to join the Marine Corps. I was happy for him, but unsure of what that meant for me. As the months went by he talked about getting engaged and I just kinda smiled and nodded. By Christmas he had bought a ring but I had asked him not to ask me to marry hom on Christmas because I wasn't sure. Well that put a strain on our relationship and we started to drift. Come January we stopped talking completely and he had a little less then a month before he left for Boot Camp.
February 9, 2009 Mister went off to Boot Camp without a single goodbye. I was completely depressed. I remember for a few days I locked myself in my one bedroom apartment and stayed in bed and didn't eat. A girlfriend of mine finally came over, dragged me out of bed and to the store. I bought running shoes ha!
March 2009 I was on Spring Break from college so I headed to Dallas, TX to visit some family friends and get out of little ole Alpine for a little bit. While there I got to talking to Megan (who was my Matron of Honor in my wedding) That week we talked a ton about the Marine Corps (she too is married to a Marine).
When I got home I decided I would try and write him. So I did, and it wasn't just a little hello letter, it was a 4 page "I'm sorry" "I miss you" "and I hope this isn't too late" kind of letter. I waited and waited and I never got a single thing back. I had asked my mom and his mom how long it would take for them to get letters back from them and it never took as long as it did for me.
Easter (April 2009) I had a good talk with my mom about the situation and she again put my words back into my mouth "Let Go and Let God" if its meant to be you will get a letter.
The next Tuesday I recieved two letters from him. Ha the mail had gotten lost (or so that is what we family members were told, but it turns out that they just held the mail from the men) He had gotten my letter and he wrote me back. (I know as soon as I was reading these letters I was going to marry him for sure and I never wanted to lose him again.)
He hoped that it wasn't to late to write me back (oh let me back track, I had said in my letter that if he loved me to write back and if not to not write back). Of course it wasn't too late. I then decided I would surprise him at his graduation.
He graduated May of 2009 and when he saw me in the bleachers, I will never forget his face.
He came home for 10 days and on the last day he asked me to marry him. And again I knew I never wanted to live without him agian!!
I love my husband!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 14 and our weekend recap...

So Day 14 is a Hero who has let me down. Well if I had a hero who let me down they wouldn't be considered a hero so there for there isn't one. But I do have some HEROs! My mom is one of my Biggest Heros! I love my mom! The things she has down for me and the rest of the family is amazing. I love her love for our Lord and I love all that she has taught me.

So this weekend we had a pretty long one. Saturday I talked Mister into taking me to Hearst Castle. We had a total blast and I loved it!
Sunday we hung out at home. I literally stayed in my pjs all day long! Ha
Monday we again only hung out at home. Eric ran a few errands for this week and go his hair cut. WE got ready for bed and for the upcoming week.
Yesterday I got back into my daily grind and I got Emma back!! ;-) yay!! ;-)

I hope y'all had a great weekend!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 13

I'm sorry I didn't blog yesterday. I had our monthy Marine Corps Spouse meet and greet, then I went to Jamies to see the baby and check in on them. And then when I got home I was just too dang tired I feel asleep watching the Blind Side with my husband!
By the way, that movie "The Blind Side" is super GREAT!!! I love it and Sandra Bullock is Awesome!!
I wish I could totally participate in the "Show Us Your Life" today...its Kitchens. But b/c I don't have a laptop that is mine and the one I am using won't allow me to upload pictures...boooo!!!
Mister turned in his "dream sheet" yesterday and talked with Master Guns. Its a big possibility we will have some news...that kinda make me a little stressed!
Day 13: A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough days:
It said to write a letter, but I think that is pointless. And I'm gonna say an artist and the artist is Carrie Underwood. And her song "Jesus Take the Wheel" is the song that really really lifts me up on some rough days.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I know I know a second post... after I clicked publish post and then logging off the computer and getting back to cleaning I started to think about the post I just posted. I sounded really ugly and made my husband seem like a bad guy! That isn't it at all. He does sometimes remember to tell me thank you or comment on how nice things look. I would just like it a little more. And I think with talking to him about it it will happen. My husband is a fantastic man! He spoils me rotten. My laptop broke Friday and when I realized Saturday it was broken I of course was practically in tears! My life is on that thing. (I have an external hard drive that saved all the important stuff, but still you get me) Any way as I'm sitting there in tears he says, "tomorrow" we will go look at Best Buy and see about getting you a new one." I cracked a smile, barely and said ok. I was going out with the girls within an hour of finding this broken laptop and I wasn't even ready. He told me to get dressed and do my hair and go have fun with the girls. I of course did and I had a great time! But when I got home it hit me again. I couldn't help but be upset.
Sure enough Sunday we went to Best Buy and looked at a few. I picked one out, but told him I need/wanted to wait until next pay check to get it. We have this weekend coming up and I wanted to make sure we had money to do something fun! (All you military wives, I think you know what I'm talking about when I say money doesn't grow on trees, nor does it stay in our accounts)
I can't wait to get my laptop, but I can def. wait! He does spoil me and I sure do love him!!!

Day 12

I have to say I'm sorry for Missing in Action again. My laptop broke Friday and I haven't been able to get on a computer. I have to steal my husbands any chance I get haha.
So Day 12 is something that I don't get compliments on...hum,
I'm going to say my hard work on cleaning my house. I don't want the compliments to come from my friends or guests, but from my husband. I would love it if he would every so oftern tell me thank you for sweeping the dirty floors his dogs make or cleaning the sofas after his dog has laid on them. Or making the bed every morning. Or doing the dishes, putting up the dishes. keeping a clean counter top in my kitchen. Decorating the house so its Home. you know?? Thats pretty much it on my little ramble haha...

I hope I can get on the computer the rest of this week and this weekend. Well I may not blog this weekend b/c its a 3 or 4 day weekend. I hope we get to do something fun! I will keep you updated!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 11

Day 11s topic is: Something people seem to compliment me on the most...
Well I get compliments on my hair and my eyes. lol. My eyes are a (I don't mean to be bias) pretty blue/green color. They change with what I'm wearing. Certain colors bring out the blue more, and others bring out the green more. I also have pretty long eyelashes, and so they get lots and lots of compliments. I have been in a conversation with a few people that have had to stop talking and compliment my eyes before they are able to continue lol. Now my hair is getting long again and people seem to notice my hair a ton more then when I have it short. People love the color of my hair. Its a Golden blonde. It also does some weird stuff haha. In the Summer it is more blonde and in the fall/winter it is a little bit more of a darker blonde, but it is always a color that attracts people. Most people even love it when I have it long. Mister is kinda eh about it. He thinks I look more like a "kid" with long hair and with short hair I look more "adult." The only thing about that that I don't like is that when it is long I look alot more like my "sperm" donor (biological father) and with my shorter hair I look like my Beautiful Mommy.

Today I didn't do much. I relaxed in bed for a little bit just was a little lazy today. Then I cleaned my kitchen and my bathroom (I kicked Mister out of my bathroom and back into his lol) and then Brittany and Elias came over. We watched Grey's Anatomy and we just hung out. Tomorrow she is gonna come over and we are gonna make Jamie and the family some meals to freeze and put in their freezer for them. Baby Callan still isn't doing much different. His heart is healthy so that is a good sign. But his lung is still underdeveloped and he has a tube down his chest. He is breathing 30% on his own. Mommy and Daddy are coming home tonight and are going to commute back and forth until he is well enough to come home. Please continue to pray for them! Thank you.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 10 and whats going on with my Sister back in TEXAS

So I'm going to start with Day 10 and its topic is: Someone I need to let go or wish I didn't know...

This one isn't that hard. When I first moved out here I didn't know a single person. I went to this wife meeting and I met two lovely ladies. So I thought. One of them is a very good friend and I love her to death. The other one, well she isn't very nice and she makes me feel like I'm a nobody. I know I shouldn't let people make me feel like that, but sometimes that's easier said then done. I've talked to Mister about it a few times and he has told me every time that I don't need to be her friend and I shouldn't hang out with her anymore. The only problem is that she and I are involved in the same things and in order for me to stay away from her I would have to stop going to these and I just don't want to do that because all my other friends are involved as well. (Wow does that not just sound silly or what??)

Moving on....

My sister Brittany has started to make jewelry. And it is some BEAUTIFUL jewelry if I may say!! I wish I had a ton of money because I would buy everything she makes haha. She has a site on facebook and here it is B's Jewelry. Go and check it out!! Happy Hump day all!!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 9 and Top Two Tuesday

So first off I'm going to go back to the Top 2 Tuesday's over at The Undomestic Momma And this weeks top 2 is favorite songs.

So after last night I have to say I have a brand new favorite song. My songs change all the time, and for now my number one is "Momma's Song" by Carrie Underwood. I heard it just last night and I wanted to cry because it made me think of my mom and I. If you haven't heard it you must go and hear it now!!

My second favorite song (that usually always stays up in my top favorite songs) is "Open the Eye's of my Hear Lord" by Casting Crowns. I love this song. I sing it to Emma when I am feeding her (that is the baby that I nanny) and I hum it or sing it to myself when I am in my down "me" time. I also love to sing it in the shower. And I absolutely love it when they play it at church!!

Now on to my Day 9: Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted
Hum, I guess I would have to say an old best friend Kari! We were very good friends in Junior high and in high school. We actually started to drift my senior year. I wish we hadn't and I wish we were still close like we use to be. We keep in touch from there to here but its just not the same! 

Today was my husbands 22nd birthday (that old man) haha. I offered to take him lunch, but he decided he didn't want anything. So we went out for dinner. We went to Islands. We both got burgers and fries and cokes. It was a nice evening out! I loved it! I think he did too.

The girls and I went to the Dessert's house (the family I mentioned who just had their baby Sunday and he has a collapsed lung) and we picked up items and just cleaned the house for them. We also made her 1 year old son some food (chicken and rice) for the next week. I'm hoping they will get to bring baby Callen home soon but all we can do right now is pray! So again I'm asking if you could please keep them in your prayers and thoughts! Thank you! 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 8: Someone who made your life H-e-double hockey sticks

This one is still a sore topic. There have been a few people who have really really hurt me in my past. It happened in high school. I finally did move on and I finally did forgive, but I yet to be able to forget. I don't want to use any names, but I'm sure if they were to read this blog they would know who they are. I trust way way to easy and I wear my heart on my sleeve making it very easy for someone to hurt me in ways that I wouldn't even imagine hurting someone. I remember they things they did like it just happened. They play like movie scenes in my head. It sometimes feels so real.

Enough of that haha. Today I kinda slept in again. Since I'm not watching Emma this week I'm just totally relaxing. I did finally get up. I said goodbye to Leslie who is kinda staying with us until he gets orders, but he just went back home for about 90 days for recruiter assistance so that is good for him and his family. I watched two episodes of Greys (I love Greys anatomy) and then I watch an episode (the new one from last night) of Desperate Housewives. I got up did the dishes. Did about three extra loads of laundry that magically appeared today haha. Then I rearranged our bedroom back to the way I had it when we first moved in, only I added my red recliner/rocking chair in the corner. ;-) and that is actually where I am sitting now....LOVE IT!!

Then I just did a few chores here and there...thinking about rearranging the dinning room hahahaha that will be fun. When Mister got home we went to a few stores he likes to shop (price stuff he wants for future budgeting lol) and then we went to the other side of Monterey and went to a place called MYO. We got FROZEN YOGURT. I have never ever tried frozen yogurt, and it was actually very good. We walked in behind a family of 4, a mom, dad, and brother and sister. The mom and dad were way more excited about the toppings and such then the kids were. Mister kinda got in the dads way and told him to go ahead. The dad replied, "I'm just so excited I haven't had this in forever" haha I thought it was super cute. Once I got to the toppings I didn't know what to do with myself either haha. I got the frozen yogurt flavor of cherry coke float, so I just added cherrys, and then I added some marshmallow fluff, and some whip cream. It was super yummy and I can't wait to go again!!

I got news today that my friend Jamie's son who was born yesterday afternoon has a underdeveloped lung. It was shocking news to me...I was kinda out of the loop and didn't get word until I was on facebook this afternoon. So if I could please ask you to pray for them and keep them in your thoughts that would be greatly appreciated! 

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 7 Someone who has made your life worth living for.

Hum someone who has made my life worth living for, this is kinda hard I have a few people I could name and that is only because for as long as I can remember all I have ever wanted to do was make these people proud. I know there are so many people in my life who love me for me and stand behind me in all my decisions. I can't just pick one person!

Today Mister let me sleep in again! YAY because I feel like I'm coming down with a cold. My throat is burning and my head is still pounding. Blah. When I woke up I got right on the laundry. Sundays are my laundry days I usually have about 5 loads of laundry. That sounds like alot for it just being the husband and I. I am very picky about separating my laundry. Many people don't care, but I care a whole lot! I am almost finished. I just need to swap the whites from the washer to the dryer and I will be completely done YAY.

Mister and Leslie went to the golf course to play some golf. I kinda had to push Mister out the door to go, but he finally did go. When they get back we are making hamburgers and Mister is finally going to use the grill I bought him for his Birthday!

We had a fantastic Sunday I hope you all did as well!!

Day 6: Something I hope I never have to do.

I'm gonna go a little sad on you hear but this is the honest truth...

I hope I never have to lay my husband or my (future children) child to rest. To me that would be the worst thing in the world for me to have to do. And I don't want to do that at all!

So yesterday was Friday and it was "show us your life" over at Kelly's Korner, and it was on Master Bedrooms. I wish I would have remembered b/c I really wanted to participate. Next week I will though for sure!

This afternoon Mister and just hung out and had a great one. I was able to sleep in til 11 this morning and then I cleaned the house for a few hours. Mister had duty last night and so today he tried to sleep this morning.

While Mister was away from the house last night, my Cali Sister Brittany (funny b/c I have a REAL sister named Brittany and they are just like the same person so thats why I call her my Cali Sister, and she has a sister named Samantha how odd is that??? lol) came over and we attempted to make homemade tortillas. Well we think we played with the dough to much and there for the tortillas weren't coming out right. We had 2 completely wrong ones, and one really yummy one. We gave up and decided to make sopapillas with the rest of the dough. Those came out GREAT!!! ;-) I hope everyone else had a fantastic Saturday like Mister and I did! ;-)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 5 Something I hope to do in my Life

Sorry again for being MIA! I forget that I have to do this and then I'm laying in bed and at 10:00 pm I remember and I just don't want to get out of bed to do it lol...

So Day 5 Something I hope to do in my life! Well there are a lot...I hope to become a mother, I hope to take a honeymoon to Hawaii, I hope to go sky diving, I hope to visit Europe, I want to see the Vatican, I hope to have a Grandfather Clock, I hope to build the house that we are designing as I am typing. I hope to have a huge piece of land with a tall rock fence so we can raise plenty more GREAT DANES and maybe show them!
See I have a ton of things I hope to do in my life! lol...and I just had to share them all with you!

So today was my last day with Emma for her daddy is coming home tonight for 3 weeks before going to his new PDS! I was a little sad to leave her but I am allowed to "steal" her a couple of times...I don't think I will do that because her daddy doesn't get much time with her!

I got more pictures printed, ordered, and they came in today! I'm really stoked I have them organized and I am planning my "first year scrapbook" the scrapbook of our first year of marriage together! I'm pretty stoked if you can't tell! I only have up to April pictures printed so I need a few more, but this is good enough to get me started! YaY!!!! ;-)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 4: Something I have to forgive someone for!

So first off, last night my Homemade Green Chicken Enchiladas, homemade pot of beans, and homemade Spanish Rice came out better then I expected it to! I was super proud of myself! And Thanks mom for the recipe and answering the few questions I had!

So now on to day 4s topic. Something I have to forgive someone for. Hum, I honestly can't think of anyone that I have not forgiven. I always forgive. I do not judge, I forgive, and I move on. Just the way I am. This is kinda a boring post...and I'm sorry.

Last night I went to bed at 8:30pm. I was so exhausted I couldn't believe I did that. Well that sleep didn't last long. It was a good deep sleep too, but I got a phone call from my friend Jaime who has a year old son. Her husband is also in the Marine Corps. She is pretty pregnant and getting kinda close to her due date. I believe she is due on Oct. 15th. Well last night when she called it was almost 11 pm and she asked if they could bring her 1 year old son because she needed to go to the hospital. She was bleeding and having some contractions. I totally freaked out partly because I have still half asleep and trying to figure out what was going on. At 12:30 they were able to leave and pick up their son, (who btw slept in his pack n play and didn't wake once) they said everything was ok. I texted Jaime today to see how she was and she said she was just waking up from a nap. So that means she is got plenty of sleep! YaY!!

So that is about it for today! I hope you all had a fantastic Monday!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 3: Something I have to Forgive myself for.

So I totally am sorry that I have been MIA. Wednesday we had a dinner for Kirsten (the mommy of my baby I am with all day) for her birthday. Then I drove to San Jose at 11 pm at night with Brittany to pick up our new roomate.
Then I told myself I was going to get on on Thursday,but I got sidetracked with house work. Friday I babysat for a friend and I totally was tired when I got home. Yesterday was just a busy day all around.
Today I'm sitting her starting to make my dinner. Its my first time making homemade pot of beans, Spanish rice, and green chicken enchiladas. I have my pot of beans going and fixing to start the rest of the dinner. 

Ok so now on to my topic: Something I have to forgive myself for:
Well I'm going to take you back to the night of my wedding. I danced the whole night away and enjoyed every moment of it! The one person I didn't dance with was my Papa (the Marine grandfather) I think about it now and I want to hit myself for not dancing with him. He didn't ask, but neither did I. I'm very upset with myself for not dancing with such a great man. A man that is my hero! A man that I love very much! 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 2: Something I love about myself

Hum, something I love about myself...I love that I do not judge anyone by first time seeing. I would rather be everyone's friend then have no friends at all. I'm noone to judge who you are or what you do. I cannot stand it when others judge me, or they judge others when they haven't really given them the chance to get to know them (get to know me)! Especially living the life I am living. Most of the women I have come and will come in touch with are in the same boat as I am and really have nothing to judge!

Wow that was a little I'm gonna go ahead and move on...

So today I held the Tuesday coffee at my house. There was only a few of us today, but it was still fun and I of course enjoyed the girls company! Emma was a sweetie pie and did great! Not much else happened today! I hope you all had a fantastic Tuesday! Is anyone else ready for Wednesday?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 1!

Ok so I know I said I would start this new 30 Days of Truth yesterday, well yesterday didn't go anything like I had planned it to. LOL. I went to do my nursery duty and then after that I came home made cinnamon rolls real quick and then went up to base so the Mister could get his weekly haircut. After that Kirsten and Emma came by to do laundry and just hang out. I got to see Jessica one last time and I got to meet Evan her husband. They came by to see the dogs because he really really wants a GREAT DANE like Allie!

Ok so now for DAY 1 of 30 Days of Truth: Something you hate about yourself
Something I hate about myself, hum, I hate that I have lost my self-discipline. And this is something I want to work on. I will sleep in on the days that I don't have to watch Emma and then I can't sleep at night and then the next day I sleep in again. This is annoying of myself. I don't like that I can't discipline myself to go to sleep and get up on the days that I don't have to watch her. Also the fact that I will not continue to run like I use to. I use to run for a few miles without needing to stop. Now I can't run a mile without feeling like I am dying. I would like to finish out the run before stopping to walk. Along with the working out I have given up all COKES (AKA POP), candy, and junk food. I had been doing good, but last Friday I had a piece of candy and then a second and then a third. I then went on to have my fourth when a friend took the piece and ate it which of course I thanked her because she knows how badly I want to do this for myself. I also had a coke today and it hurt me today when we ran after work. :-(

That is the main thing right now that I HATE about myself. I am working on it and I will let you know how I am doing....Hopefully I do better!! 

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Time will not SLOW DOWN...

I want so badly for time to slow down, but I feel as though it will not it just keeps fast forwarding. Except this weekend it did slow down to where I was even on the wrong day in my mind. All day I have thought it was Sunday. Maybe because Sunday is the day that I do my house chores mainly laundry and I have completed all laundry today. 
Yesterday I said goodbye to yet another Marine wife. Jessica and I didn't have much time together as I would have liked, but getting to know her in the last month or so has been super fantastic! She is an awesome person and I wish we could have had a longer chance to get to know each other a little better.

Yesterday morning (Friday) I was sitting at my table playing on the computer and the dogs were outside. I had the screen door closed, but the glass door open and they both got really quiet. I leaned over to see what they were doing and I see Lillie sitting staring though the crack between the blanks of the wood fence. I couldn't figure out what she was looking at, so I got up and I saw this picture...

 My neighbor too had her glass door open and her screen door closed. Her cat was climbing up the screen door and Lillie saw the cat. I think this picture is super funny! I want to print it out and take my neighbor a copy of it. lol. Lillie hates hates cats. 

I was blog browsing and I saw a new 30 Days I am going to start and I will start it tomorrow. Here it is...
Day 01 → Something you hate about yourself.
Day 02 → Something you love about yourself.
Day 03 → Something you have to forgive yourself for.
Day 04 → Something you have to forgive someone for.
Day 05 → Something you hope to do in your life.
Day 06 → Something you hope you never have to do.
Day 07 → Someone who has made your life worth living for.
Day 08 → Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.
Day 09 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.
Day 10 → Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.
Day 11 → Something people seem to compliment you the most on.
Day 12 → Something you never get compliments on.
Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)
Day 14 → A hero that has let you down. (letter)
Day 15 → Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.
Day 16 → Someone or something you definitely could live without.
Day 17 → A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.
Day 18 → Your views on gay marriage.
Day 19 → What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?
Day 20 → Your views on drugs and alcohol.
Day 21 → (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?
Day 22 → Something you wish you hadn’t done in your life.
Day 23 → Something you wish you had done in your life.
Day 24 → Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all the songs. (Just post the titles and artists and letter)
Day 25 → The reason you believe you’re still alive today.
Day 26 → Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?
Day 27 → What’s the best thing going for you right now?
Day 28 → What if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant, what would you do?
Day 29 → Something you hope to change about yourself. And why.
Day 30 → A letter to yourself, tell yourself EVERYTHING you love about yourself

Maybe and hopefully with this one I actually stay on it and do it everyday.