Sunday, September 22, 2013

Pregnancy Week 8 through Week 10

Week 8 was stressful. I was scared of every move I would make. I didn't want to do anything that would harm my baby. I was sick every morning. I could not keep anything down. Dairy and I really didn't mix well. I craved Orange Juice, which was so odd because I had way to many screwdrivers one summer and to this day cannot stand the taste of orange juice, but baby wanted it so I would drink it. I'd gag as I would but it stayed down.
I would crave icees and I would suck one down and not 10 minutes later it would come right back up. I couldn't keep anything down. Pizza would come up. I was so hungry but didn't want to eat because I couldn't. One day we drove past McDonalds and I could smell it. I made E turn around and get me food. I got a medium order of fries and a double cheeseburger. That stayed down and didn't come up at all. From that day for the next few weeks that is all I would and could eat and it would stay down. Mind you I hated McDonalds. I normally couldn't stand the smell before. When someone would bring it into my house I would cringe at the smell of it. 

Week 9 was about the same but I started to take pictures that week. 

I hadn't grown much but I was definitely bloating. I still could only eat that McDonalds hamburger. I would try to eat other items and I would try so hard to just sit and hold it down but I always failed. I was always exhausted. I just wanted to sleep and eat. 

Week 10 came and I was finally able to see my OB. 

There is a bare belly picture. I didn't take many bare bellys and I still haven't. 

Here is baby Peanut Banegas at 10 weeks. The doctor at first couldn't find her on the ultrasound. She was starting to stress me out. She had called 3 different doctors in before sending me down to radiology. 
When I got there the tech asked why I was sent to him. I told him my OB couldn't find the baby or the baby's heartbeat. He laughed and said its right there and the heart rate was in the 150s! That was so comforting. 
The doctor made me also go to the lab that day (it was a Monday) and get blood work done and wanted me to come back to the lab Wednesday for my lab work. That annoyed me. I was already so over them taking my blood and I always got sick after they did too. A miserable thing. 

10 weeks photo wearing a similar outfit as 9 weeks. 

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