Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Pregnancy Week 11

The Friday before I turned 11 weeks I received a phone call from my OB at 530 pm. She started the conversation by asking how I was doing and how I was feeling. I told her I was feeling great just exhausted but great other wise. She then started to tell me about how she received my lab results from the prior Monday and Wednesday and that my HCG levels were dropping and gave me the numbers. She then went on to say that I was miscarrying. She didn't understand why this was happening and that she was so sorry. She stated how she believed in miracles. She asked me to come in Monday for more blood work and that we would be watching the levels drop to zero and then do a DNC.

I was devastated. I was confused. We had just seen the baby on an ultrasound just days before. It wasn't fair. I wasn't having any cramping and I had stopped bleeding from my week 7 scare. It was a rough phone call to take. I was even more mad that she had called me on a Friday afternoon at 530. Way past time for the doctors office to close (they close at 4pm) and the next day was E's 25th birthday and I had a fun night planned for him.

I was actually in bed trying to take a nap after a long day at work and I couldn't fall asleep anymore I was crying to much so I went downstairs. E saw me crying and asked why. I finally was able to stop the sobs to get my words out and tell him. The look on his face was so sad. He didn't understand it either. He said "well we can just wait until Monday and see what the doctor says. Maybe its a mistake."

I remember texting my dear friend Leah and telling her. She called me moments later and said to go over because she had a doppler we could try to find the heartbeat. So I went and the first thing she said was, "since you are so early we may not be able to find the heartbeat so do not freak out." I laid down and we placed it on my belly and she found it instantly. It was still in the high 140s-150s. That was def. comforting and I was able to calm down. We sat and did some research and found that at week 10 the levels do drop and level out because the placenta is taking over. Once we read that I was even more hopeful.

I had also called my aunt who is an RN and she had called her OB nurse friends and they told her the same thing. So that all made me feel much better.

All weekend I tried to stay positive. and I did a great job putting up a front for all our friends who came to help celebrate E's birthday. But in the back of my head I had to keep in mind that I may actually be losing this baby.

Monday finally came and Leah went with me to the hospital. We walked in to see my OB and she asked if we went to the lab. I told her no and that I wanted to talk to her first. So we sat down with her and we showed her all the research we had found. We also told her about the doppler and the heartbeat. She shook her head in agreement and then simply stated "I never told you you were miscarrying." I told her yes you did and repeat what she had told me Friday and her reply was "oh you are right I did say that."
I was livid by this point. I asked her to do an ultrasound and if she once again can't find the baby I wanted to go back to radiology for a second ultrasound. She agreed to it and so that's what we did.

When she started the ultrasound she found this:

Peanut Banegas was fine. Moving and jumping around like a jelly bean. It was so great being right and so great to still have my baby. 

I took some late 11 week belly pictures. 

Week 11 was much better. Less stressful just know my baby was fine. My friend also let me take home the doppler so every night I would sit and listen to the baby. It was so peaceful!!!

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