Tuesday, November 2, 2010

God is Good

So we went to the doctor today and he had fantastic news! Grandma was able to get a walking boot on and is able to put as much weight on it as she feels comfortable. She is super happy about that and so am I! I thinkt the whole family is!
She let me drive to the store and the post office and back home all alone (wOW) lol. Its not as bad as driving in Cali that if for sure!
Today as I'm sitting here I get a few text messages from an old friend that I hadn't talked to in a few and it was good to catch up! Don't you just love those!!
Awe I love it here in the fall! Its cold, but its a nice cold. The leaves are very pretty! And it just smells so good here! I miss Texas and I miss NC. I would love to be here! I think that when deployment comes I will be leaving our duty station and coming to NC for the duration of Eric's time in the sand. I always said I wasn't going to stay at our duty station, but I totally forgot about coming here during that time! So I think here is where I want to be! ;-)


Diana said...

Nathaniel and I don't plan to stay in our duty station too when Dean deploys. And good to hear your grandma is doing better!

Unknown said...

That is so great!!! I am so glad she is able to mobile and is feeling a little better!