Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednesday 2nd to last at the Alpine PD :-(

Wow, I have seven days and I will no longer be an employee of the Alpine Police Department. As much as I thought I was ready to move on, it is starting to take me down into pieces. Letty and I went and had breakfast this morning. LOVED it. She is quite an amazing lady. For lunch the PD "Family" had a lunch, this lunch they do for all that leave. It was a good lunch. & I believe I held myself together very nicely. Not a tear fell today. Now next Wednesday will most likely be a different story.
I don't have much for this Wednesday! I went out last night and played pool. I had a total blast, but while I was playing some how I hit my hand against the table. My pointer finger is swelled up and purple. :-( I had fun though ahaha.
I really don't much, and I know I hadn't posted in a few days. Its been mostly work and seeing family and loved ones and Great friends.

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