Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Another lonely holiday and some updates:

Happy late Valentines Day to all of you. I read up on a few posts and loved every ones plans and decorations and all the love that was in the air. Unfortunately Mister is still away for training so we didn't get to spend the day together. I did though make sure to get him his favorite Dark chocolate and at Target they had heart boxed candy of Reese's peanut butter cups (those are his favorites) so I got him one of those and then both first seasons of Spartacus were on sale so I snagged those and I can't wait to give them to him on Friday when I get to pick him up.
The last post I posted I said I had an interview. Well it went well. She actually hired me right on the spot. Its a waitress job at a cute diner here on base. I started on Monday and so far its going ok. I've never waited before and I was/still am a little nervous about it but its fun so far.
Sunday I got to drive down and spend sometime with Mister. We walked the beach and grabbed dinner. It was a nice weekend. I did however dropped my id and my debit card from my pocket, somewhere along the beach haha. I went ahead and called the bank and had it cancelled the second I found out. Then about 30 minutes later Mister found them. Oh was he mad at me hehe. OOPS!
Update on the pups:
We have a vet appt. for both of them on Wednesday. Allie has to get a shot and Lillie gets a shot and her micro-chip.
Lillie has become fascinated with the television. She sits and watches every movement on it. I think she thinks its a window and the people and animals are outside haha. Its so cute and funny. I'll have to take a picture next time. Allie Is still a pain but she is very over protective of me.
I haven't been posting much because I've been a little blue and have had nothing fun or entertaining to share.
I did however go to the movies Friday and saw THE VOW. It was super cute. It was sad for me. I'm going to put a spoiler alert right here because I'm going to share a piece from the beginning of the movie. About 3 minutes in they are in their car and the female character takes off her seat belt and starts to lean across to her husband and says something like this "they say the best way to conceive a baby is in a vehicle" now that isn't word for word, but its the just of what is said. It really hit home because the second after she says that the car is hit and she is thrown out the window. You know that she looses her memory and she doesn't know who her husband is. It makes me so sad because she wanted a baby and now she has to start all over. Just sorta hit home for me I suppose.
Well I guess that is all I have for today. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Wednesday.

1 comment:

La Chinita said...

Hang in there! Holidays apart are hard, but they are also a part of our life so just know your Mister loves you and I'm sure he wished he could be there with you too! Congrats on your job and I can't wait to see you. I'll be back down at the end of March. Can't wait to see you then :)