Friday, February 3, 2012

This and That

I finished the first book of The Hunger Games last night and wow was it good. Totally left me hanging and I am not too happy with whats going on between 2 characters but I have started the second book and I hope that all that gets sorted out the way I want it to hehe.
Mister had his re-DLPT yesterday. He didn't come home with the same scores as in November of 2010, but thats to be expected since he hasn't really kept up the language and didn't really study. He did come home with some scores that will def. be bringing in a little bit more income then this month and January but it won't be as much as in December.
I'm still very proud of him for getting the scores he did.
I have an interview today at 4 for a little restaurant on base. I just decided to stay out of the drama and go ahead and just stay super busy. I'm not holding my breath I'll get it but if I do the little extra cash coming in will be nice spending money for me hehe.
Mister doesnt' have duty on Super Bowl Sunday any more but its too late to have a party because I'm sure everyone already has a place to go. Except for a friend of Mister's and his very sweet girlfriend. So I'll have a few food items and drinks for the game. But it won't be the party I've been hoping for for a few years now lol.
I had full intentions of hitting the commissary as soon as it opened at 9 this morning but I was dragged into the second book and I didn't make it out of the house. I don't like to go during the afternoon because there are so many people and screaming kids. I guess I will just have to go later tonight or early tomorrow or skip it all together and go to Walmart.
Funny little update on the pups. Lillie has a small bed that is big for her but tiny for Allie and it is next to my side of the bed. Allie has a bed too but it is so disgusting from being at Mister's moms house it needs to be cleaned, but i haven't had the chance so its still in the garage. I found an old old big blanket and made pad on the floor next to Mister's side of the bed for Allie. Now of course Lillie ends up in the bed with us so the past few nights Allie has gotten smart and decided to start sleeping on Lillies bed. hehe. Such silly dogs. A few time Lillie has woken up to find her on her bed and she has growled a little but she gets over it.
Maybe this weekend I will attack the big long To Do List I've been putting off since the first week of January.
Well I'm off to get ready for the interview and run to the Post Office. Happy Friday. May you all have a GREAT Weekend!!

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