Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Pregnancy Week 34 through 37 Week

Week 34:

Belly feels like it is growing by the day. I also think its safe to say she has dropped. Baby is the size of a butternut squash. I still don't feel ready for her to come!! But she is coming soon!!
At 34 weeks we started to retain a lot more water. This week I gained 9 pounds between (weekly) appointments. (But by next week I would have lost 8 of them, I think the scale was broke).
So Doc decided to start monitoring baby twice a week for her movements. I also started to show a little protein in my urine and my swelling became out of control.
Week 35:
This weeks appointment my belly decided to finally grow and play catch up from being behind 3 weeks. Symptoms are still swelling only getting a little out of control, and my blood pressure has decided it wants to rise. Baby moves all the time, but mostly hangs out in the right side of my belly. I just love it.
Week 36:
Another day of baby monitoring. Doctor calls this Pre-preeclampsia. We are riding the fence and he's starting to become a little worry wart. (I love that, have I mentioned that doc is amazing?)

This week I also managed to catch a stomach bug. Which dehydrated me even more, landing me in the hospital for IV fluid. After two bags I felt so much better and was sent home. We had a few contractions, but nothing that was to worry about as far as labor goes.
Week 37:
Baby is the size of a watermelon (according to the apps) She is now officially allowed to come out and play whenever she decides is ready but Mom would like for her to stay put until due date.

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