Saturday, August 7, 2010

The past few days...

So I've been MIA for a while and I am sorry! So I left off on a Sunday...almost two weeks ago. And that Sunday I had been checking my work schedule and my manager hadn't scheduled me so I was just planning on staying home. Well...Tuesday morning I got a call (which I didn't answer b/c of the great cell service out here) and she said it was her fault that I didn't make it on the schedule and she needed me to come in the rest of the I did...I worked Wednesday-Saturday 4 hrs each day except on Saturday I only worked 2.
Wednesday night we had dinner at Duffys with a few Marines and a baby and a mother of a Marine. The baby was Emma (whom on Aug. 30th I will start staying home with her when her mommy has to go back to her Marine work) It was a fun night of chatting and baby holding.
Nothing exciting Thursday, but Friday Kirsten, Emma, (mommy and daughter) and I drove to Salinas to Bev Mo for some cokes and such. I have been looking for blue cream soda and I finally found some. I also go the Mister some root beer!
Saturday after work I came home and the Mister was still sleeping so I crawled back in bed to snuggle.  I feel asleep and didn't wake up until 2pm. I got up cleaned the house and then made pork chops, mashed potatoes, and corn on the cob for Vis and Mister. It was a nice evening. Sunday we still didn't make it too mass! :-(

Monday -Thursday I worked all day everyday. (which was good for the money haha) I put in my two weeks notice on Friday (yesterday) and I only worked 3 hours for Mister had an Arabic picnic that I HAD to go to haha. ;-)
That was a ton of fun but I was exhausted. So when we got home I took a quick nap and then got ready for a game night at Kirstens. That started at 6. She had pizza, the Sandovals brought cokes, and I took a yummy dessert!! We played clue, Mister and I came in second, b/c I didn't roll an 8!! haha. WE had a ton of fun with everyone. (oh Clue only allows 6 players and we had a total of 8 so we did teams of 2 and had four teams. Still a lot of fun!!!

Today is cloudy and cold and I will prolly stay in all day. Between my bed and cleaning a little bit. Mister will prolly play his xbox games and walk the dogs. Tomorrow I have church nursery duty at 9 and then mass at 11 so I'm really excited. (we are actually going to make it this week) ;-)

I hope everyone has a GREAT Weekend!! Can you believe we are already in August!! OMG!!!

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