Saturday, May 8, 2010

Silly Saturday

*If today was your last day where would you want to spend it, and who would you like to spend it with?

-I would like to be in WEST TEXAS with my family, my husband, and my best friends.

*If you could relive a day (keeping it the same without changing a day about it) what day would that be?

-I would like to relive many, but I would like to relive my wedding day/night. I had so much fun. I danced with all of my loved ones, Megan, Daddy, Eric, my grandfathers...everyone I love so dearly. It was a beautiful day and I love to watch the video tapes over and over again.

*What did you always want to be when you were growing up and do you still want to be that?

-Growing up I always wanted to be a teacher or a child care personnel. I still kind of want to do that, but lately I have talked about wanting to be a EMT and/or a Fire-woman. I don't know why. Silly right? Well I want to do that.

What a silly Saturday it has been. I worked this early morning and then hung out with Eric for a few hours before going to my girlfriends 3 sons birthday parties. I played a few of the games with the kids and I had fun. But reminded me again that we are not ready for children lol.

We played catch when I got home. I love playing catch with Eric. It is so much fun. For the rest of the evening we are gonna watch movies and hang out at home and enjoy ourselves.

Happy Mothers Day to all of you mothers!!! Y'all are totally awesome.

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