Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 10 and whats going on with my Sister back in TEXAS

So I'm going to start with Day 10 and its topic is: Someone I need to let go or wish I didn't know...

This one isn't that hard. When I first moved out here I didn't know a single person. I went to this wife meeting and I met two lovely ladies. So I thought. One of them is a very good friend and I love her to death. The other one, well she isn't very nice and she makes me feel like I'm a nobody. I know I shouldn't let people make me feel like that, but sometimes that's easier said then done. I've talked to Mister about it a few times and he has told me every time that I don't need to be her friend and I shouldn't hang out with her anymore. The only problem is that she and I are involved in the same things and in order for me to stay away from her I would have to stop going to these and I just don't want to do that because all my other friends are involved as well. (Wow does that not just sound silly or what??)

Moving on....

My sister Brittany has started to make jewelry. And it is some BEAUTIFUL jewelry if I may say!! I wish I had a ton of money because I would buy everything she makes haha. She has a site on facebook and here it is B's Jewelry. Go and check it out!! Happy Hump day all!!!

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