Monday, March 14, 2011

Top 2 Tuesday!

Top 2 Tuesday! Head on over to Taylor's and link up!
Two Random facts about Me!

1. Can only drink water from a bottle. Yes thats right, if its tap water or well water like at my parents and grandparents house I will not/cannot drink it! It has to be bottled water ha! weird right?

2.  When I am home with Mister I like to sleep pretty much under him or up against him each night on his side of the bed. But when I am somewhere without him I stay on my side of the bed even if I have a bed fully to myself. Totally doesn't make sense!

I know this post is a few hours early ha! This afternoon my friend Arianna came over and hung out with me and lil sis! We played Zumba on the wii and Just Dance 2! We had a total blast! We also watched Pretty Little Liars and ate roast for dinner! (My mom makes the best roast ever! Its 20x better than mine!)
Tomorrow morning I am (still thinking haven't fully decided) on going with my lil sis, her friend, and Sylvia to Midland for a few hours. It would be nice to catch up with Sylvia, but Arianna has a softball game and I said I'd go watch that. I'm a little torn at the moment! She has another game here the 5th of April and I will still be home and I will go to that one, but I said I'd go to this one and I just don't want to disappoint anyone! GRR! 

Well anyway I better log off and go to bed! Its been a pretty long day and I am pretty tired! I hope you all had a GREAT Monday!


Kit said...

I love sleeping up on my hubby too...even though he does not like it some nights :)

La Chinita said...

Hey girl thanks for your comment on my blog! I won't lie; I totally took the header idea from one of the blogs you follow (I'm not sure which one). So thank you for providing the indirect inspiration for the change!