Monday, March 14, 2011

Weekend Recap

Hi all, Sorry I've went MIA this weekend! Friday my Aunt picked me up to bring me "home" to visit for a while.

These are a few pictures just outside of Alpine. This last picture is of the Twin Peaks! My favorite picture! 
When I got home I went to the store with my mom and lil sister! We bought something for dinner "something non-meat" ha! After dinner Daddy, lil sister and I went to the movies. We watched "I am Number 4" I totally loved it and tell anyone and everyone to watch it! ;-)

Saturday we woke up and middle lil sister had her senior pictures taken. I can't wait to order some! I can already tell they are going to be GREAT!! 

After we came home and Daddy was working out back on a fence. 
This is the frame for the fence.

The helmet he said he made it because he was board. Ha! Its a Storm Troopers helmet he found in the kids toys at a store and put in the black cover for his eyes to weld. Ha Yes my Daddy loves Star Wars. I went and joined him like I use to when I was growing up. He is a handy man and I sure do miss that about him! He made this BBQ pit:
He made the pit before Thanksgiving. I didn't see it last time I was home because he wasn't working then due to his surgery and I never felt the need to go out to his shop! 
After Mom and middle lil sister and I went to an Alpine High School Baseball game. It brought back memories from when Mister played and I would go watch him! Ha! That was 4 years ago!

This is a picture of the field, the high school, and then the Twin Peaks in the back ground! ;-)
Sunday we woke up and went to Sunday Mass! It was nice to see everyone again. As always! I miss my church "family." 
After Mass I went over to Letty's house and got to hang out with her and her daughter for a bit! Which is usually my favorite thing to do! We made St. Pattys Day cupcakes and I didn't take a picture of them. BUMMER!! The were good though! I got home just in time for my Daddys famous hamburgers! I love his hamburgers but I didn't get to finish mine because of this:

Yes my Fur-sister Hiedi decided to BEG for it so I had to share! Ha! I got in trouble after because she is now on a diet! It wasn't my fault that they didn't tell me! Ha
After dinner Mom, lil sister, and I watched Army Wives and Coming Home! We then watched funny youtube videos and lil sister and I finally went to sleep about midnight. (She slept with me last night which I LOVE) HA!
I woke up this morning and went to the gym with my mom and Daddy! Dad plays raquet ball with one of his college professors and mom and I did the treadmill and bikes and a few weights! It was Great work out and I'm glad I went! Whoop Whoop! 
Today lil sister and I have been being bums all day! Ha gotta love it! ;-)

As far as no facebook goes, I am loving it! My phone isn't constantly going off and I have really enjoyed my QT with the Lord! I've also read a few more chapters in my "fun" (I'm reading "The Lucky One" by Nicholas Sparks of course ha) novel. Something I've been wanting to do for a while now but haven't because I was distracted by facebook. Ha! It looks like I won't be going back to Facebook after Lent! Whoop whoop for me! ;-)
I hope you all had a GREAT weekend!

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