Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 24: Whatever Tickles my Fancy...

Another one...and for once I feel at a loss for words. 

So I decided I would share a letter I wrote before I started my blog. I wrote it before I moved out to California with Eric and I wrote it while at work. I'm just coping and pasting...please enjoy...but again its another ramble moment. ;-)

(I wrote this note because its been on my mind and I think about this often. I love to ramble and that is kinda what I did, only the ramble came from the heart)

So I'm sitting here at work and its a nice hush hush night (Thank you Lord) so I got to thinking like I normally do. I went back in time...back to just a little less then a year ago. Back to the time of Eric's bootcamp. I can remember all the emotions I felt. I remember all the doubts. I remember all the chats with Megan. I remember all the letters I wrote but threw away. I remember finally sending one in hopes I'd get one back. I remember not getting one for a long time and thinking...I got my answer. Then the word that the letters had gotten lost in the mail but they finally got one. I remember the two letters I got back and the TEARS that began to roll down my face. That is when I knew this was really gonna happen. I was really going to marry Eric. I remember finally deciding after plenty of talks with Megan, to go to San Diego the first week of May to be there for Eric. I remember all the drama that followed. I remember the week of the Crucible. I remember getting ready for bed that week and praying and praying. I remember the PRIDE I felt when I would think about him, when I would read his letters. I remember the trip to San Diego, and then I remember Meet & Greet. I remember meeting the wives and mothers of the other recruits and I remember they had NO CLUE who I was. The next morning at family day and watching the Moto Run, and how the tears would just run down my face. && The Pride I felt was like nothing I've ever felt before. Then sitting in the bleacher knowing that in 10 minutes Eric will be "released" for Family Day. Then watching all the other families rush down to their Marines, and my family rushing down and me just staying back watching. Then he sees me (it was a total surprise that I went, we didn't tell him I as going) and the look on his face I will NEVER forget. I can remember getting to walk around and we would meet other men in his plt. and he would introduce me as his Girlfriend...OMG I was in total shock...so speechless. Sometimes I think...I would like to do bootcamp all over again. I would like to experience those emotions again. I would love to stand in the bleachers and watch Eric accomplish something that many will never do. I am proud to say I am a wife of the FEW, the PROUD, a MARINE!!

Saying bye to Eric has Never been easy. After his 10 day leave after bootcamp and driving him to El Paso so he can go back to California for MCT was the worse day ever. But that was also the weekend he asked me to marry him. May 18, 2009 was the day I knew my life would be totally different and not all about me (well at least for 5-8 years lol) I still believe that MCT was tougher then bootcamp. I think because they got their cell phones during weekends and got to call home, and the fact that we didn't write letters was just tough for me. But MCT was only 3 weeks thankfully and on he went to his MOS school in Monterey. I am Proud to say I am a wife of the FEW, the PROUD, a MARINE!!

He has his phone all day. Now he prolly shouldn't text his wife during the day, but he does. He does try to call every night, but it is difficult with our time difference. By the time he is really able to call I am most likely asleep. It is way easier then both bootcamp, and MCT, but it is still difficult since we are still 3 states away. I'm glad I was able to make two visits to Monterey to see him and spend time with him. If it weren't for those trips it prolly would be more difficult than it has been. I am pretty stoked that I am allowed to go and live with Eric during the rest of MOS in Monterey. It is a beautiful place. Its on the bay so there is plenty of beach. But my favorite part is the fact I will be with my husband. I am Proud to say I am a wife of the FEW, the PROUD, a MARINE!!

In 2009 we only got a total of 37 days together. So far in 2010 we have had 3 days together. But as of February 15, 2010, we will have many many more days together. I do believe 2010 of the Marine Corps will be a heck of a lot better then 2009. So here's to 2010!!!

So now I wrote that back in January before I moved out here with him. Haha. I'm glad I am finally here and finally seeing him EVERYDAY!!! I cannot tell you how blessed I am. At the end of 2010 instead of counting the days we had together I will count the days we were apart and it still will not be the same amount of 37 like in 2009. I can honestly say that 2010 has been so much better!! Life is good!! 

1 comment:

Tammy Metrovich said...

I remember seeing you standing behind Anita at the Meet & Greet. I thought you were pretty but I had no idea who you were. Then I remember seeing you walking around with Eric and then I knew....this was his future bride! Glad you went to MCRD! Glad you said Yes! Glad you are my friend! Tammy