Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Thursday

(first off, I'm really not good at coming up with titles haha)

Yesterday we had a little get together at another wifes house. It of course for me was nice to finally get out of my house and see real people.
We talked of course like we always do and one of the wifes said she had learned that at the beginning of the week make a list of the chores you have to get done for the week. Her example was: Monday=laundry, Tuesday=bathroom, Wednesday=Kitchen...ect. So It hit me and I thought this is actually a good idea.
Since I stay home for now I really have nothing today. I have been waking up Monday and cleaning the entire house top to bottom and then the rest of the week I'm bored.
So I decided that the rest of the week I would kinda do that. Today I only did laundry and I cleaned my kitchen. Tomorrow I'll do the entire rest of the house because my little sister and her boyfriend are coming up for the weekend, and well of course I have to have a clean house. haha

I did a little more decorating, well I just hung up a few more pictures/wall art in my home:
This is a picture of Eric's PLT from Boot Camp. It normally goes in the office, but we don't have an office here so it goes in the guest bedroom and it is above the bed.

These are in my bedroom next to our bed. The wall had been empty for a while and I needed something on it. It was bothering me. Hehe These were in our hall at our Cali home.

These are by our front door. The blue one we had in Cali and it was by the front door then. We got the red one for Christmas from Misters Mom.

The two mirrors I had in Cali and I actually have 3 but not all 3 fit. The 3 in Cali we had in my dining room. Here I have them above the stove. The pot holder in the middle was paired up with a "glove" pot holder that also had some writing on it and in Cali they were above the stove. A few weeks ago I had a fire in my oven. (that is a story for another time) And I ruined the "glove" pot holder. But this one still lives and still has the color scheme of my kitchen and it fit perfect in the middle.

Today is Thursday that only means that tomorrow is Friday and then its the weekend. Was it just me or was this week very very long??
Happy Thursday y'all!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Sorry, my dear! This week flew by for me!!

The plan to do a different chore every day is a great idea and will help you keep your sanity. If you really want to get crazy about it, check out "". She has a whole plan for the days of the week and I love following keeps my house sparkling clean between weeks when the housekeeper comes.

I hope you and Mister have a wonderful weekend!