Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Top 2 Tuesday

Top 2 Things I've learned about blogging:
1. The first one I've learned and seems a few others have also is to keep up with your blog or you will lose your readers. You can't blog a few times and then fall off the blogging world (like I did) and expect that your readers will still be there. I Promise to be better at blogging things down.

And 2. I learned to not just write write write. It bores me when I read blogs that have paragraphs after paragraphs of words and words. I love pictures and I think pictures should be included. I'm not always able to put up a picture, but If you scroll down my blog the next post will have one. ;-)

I haven't been sleeping well lately. I go to bed and I lay there for hours. And then I wake up super early. I've been so tired and I can't figure out how to get to sleep faster and sleep a good full 8 hours. Any suggestions??

Happy Tuesday Y'all.
I found this picture off of Google


Jesslyn Amber said...

I completely agree! Pictures really make posts interesting! It is kind of exhausting to read and read... and read. :)

I want to recommend a blog to you!
Jillian @ Iron and Sunshine! She is SUPER sweet and she is also a military wife! :)

Jesslyn Amber said...

Ooops! I left off the address. It's www.ironandsunshine.blogspot.com

Diana said...

Pictures are definitely nice to add on a post. You can look up free pictures online that is related to your post if you want, if you don't/can't upload any that is yours. Just remember to give them credit. Also, you don't have to post everyday. I always say quantity over quality!

About sleep, have you tried reading before sleeping? Also, have a set schedule might help, too. That way your body is trained and when ie 10pm hits, it will know that it's bedtime and you will fall asleep fast :)

Beth McC. said...

Great Tips!! I always try to post some pictures!!

kebowman said...

i agree!! pictures make it so much better!

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog! You are such a cutie. I'm not a military wife but I live next door to Fort Huachuca so most of my BFFs are military wives. I'm also a Christian and a scrapbooker! I think we have a lot in common sweet girl! I'm your newest follower and I look forward to getting to know you better =]

Diana said...

LOL, re-reading my comment and I meant to say quality over quantity. But I think you knew I meant that :)